Chapter 9

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Snow shuddered. Why does fall have to be so cold? 

"How's Snowflake?" She called out.

Moon rolled his eyes. "You know it's only the second day," he reminded. "But nothing has changed. No sign of infection."

"What if infection sets in?" Daisy worried.

"Then I'll use horsetail," Moon said simply.

"I'm going to see if I can catch any birds for Snowflake, maybe the feathers can keep her warm."

As Daisy dashed away, Moon rolled his eyes. "It would be obvious if a wolf didn't know they were mother and daughter."

Wincing with embarrassment when her stomach growled, Snow commented, "When was the last time I ate? Before the first bear attack?"

Moon shrugged. Then, his eyes brightened. "Want to hunt together?" He suggested.

Snow grinned. "I bet I can catch more than you!" She called, dashing away. "Come on! The early wolf catches the prey!"

Moon reared and bolted after Snow playfully.

*Daisy's POV*

Daisy smiled as she watched Snow and Moon dash away chasing each other off to the woods. It still seems like they are pups, even though they are the ones keeping the pack together.

Daisy sighed and shook out her pelt, padding further into the woods. Her mood lightened as she spotted a decent bird. Time to test out my skills.

Crouching, she lightly padded forward, her paws gliding over the terrain and her tail parallel to the ground. Leaping, Daisy growled as the bird flapped its wings last minute, escaping. Bunching up her hind legs, she exploded off the ground and snatched the bird in midair, hearing a satisfying crack as the bird fell still.

With her heart light, she padded back to camp, dropping the bird on the ground.

"Nice job," Snake commented as he spotted the prey.

Petal padded up. "Look, it's a mother," she woofed quietly. "She must have been expecting chicks; there's still grass in her beak." Stroking the bird softly, she exchanged glances with Snake that Daisy knew only too well,

"Congrats," Daisy commented with a hint of joy in her bark.

"So you know?" Petal asked, not surprised.

"I've been alive longer than you have, of course I do," Daisy replied. "You expecting?"

Petal smiled, pressing closer to Snake. "We're hoping for one or two litters in the future."

"Oh come on, it's never too early to bring some life into the pack," Daisy teased.

Petal shoved Daisy playfully. Daisy padded over to her catch and tossed the bird over to Petal. "Care to share?"

Petal gave a look of thanks to Daisy. Settling down, she ripped off a bite from the belly and tossed it to Snake.

Daisy couldn't believe how fast the bird disappeared. The pack hasn't eaten in a few days.

As the pair left, Daisy sweeped up the feathers with her tail and carried them to Snowflake's nest with her mouth.

"I've got some feathers for you," Daisy murmured softly. "They'll make you more comfortable."

Placing the last one, Daisy stepped into the nest and laid down, pressing her body close to Snowflake. It wasn't the comfiest, but she would give anything up to be with Snowflake.


Snow's POV

"You want to go back?" Snow panted.

Moon laughed. "You still have some more prey to catch before you have more than me!"

Snow dipped her tail in a creek and flicked water over Moon. "You cheeky pup!"

"Hey, I'm no pup!"

"At least we got food," Snow commented. "The prey seems to think it's the middle of winter!"

"So, are we going back to camp?" Moon prodded a squirrel. "The prey's getting cold."

"Sure," Snow shrugged.

As Snow picked up her pieces of kill, she almost dropped them in laughter seeing Moon struggle to pick them up all at once. "Want me to help?"

"Sure," Moon said, glumly.

"A hunter who can't even take his prey back to camp!" Snow teased.

Moon cuffed Snow lightly over the ear. "At least I have prey!"

Swinging the prey back and forth by its tail, Snow felt happier than she had been in a while.

Spitting fur out of her mouth, Snow dropped the prey in the center of the clearing along with Moon's.

"This looks like a pile again!" Moon exclaimed.

"Yes, an–" Snow got cut off as something heavy landed on Snow's back.

"Oof," Snow gasped, her breath driven out of her. "Sky, is that you?"

"Nope!" A squeaky voice said triumphantly. "It's me, River!"

As the furry pup leaped off, Snow shook her head. "That was a good one!" She commented.

"I know right!" River spun in a circle with excitement. "I'll be the best sneaker-upper in the history of wolves!"

"What in the name of the Great Spirit is a sneaker-upper?" Storm asked, padding over.

River lowered his head, embarrassed.

"Come on," Snow chided. "A good wolf encourages their littermates."

"Yeah!" River exclaimed. "I'll be the best packmate!"

Storm rolled her eyes. "Lame."

Snow sighed. They were young.

"Surprise!" Pebble and Sky popped out from behind the bush, scaring Storm and River.

Snow sighed again as Storm and River wailed with fright and ran to Drizzle.

"They're pups," Moon commented, trying not to laugh.

Snow nodded. "But if they want to grow up into strong wolves, they can't grow up here."

Moon nodded. "I've been thinking about it. Either we find somewhere without humans-"

"But humans are everywhere!" Snow interrupted.

Moon glared at Luna. "Hold on, let me finish. Or we continue what we have been doing when we were with Luna."

"Travel to a new home every ten days?" Snow gave Moon a skeptical look. "No one would want to do it.

"But our pack has been doing it for years!"

"But we aren't Luna's pack anymore, we are our own pack!" Snow shot back. "Remember how many wolves left because of it?"

Moon's eyes clouded. "Too many. Even Cloud had to leave."

Snow was silent. Cloud was a playful wolf. But he was smart. He would've been a crucial pack member.

Snow nodded. "That's why we have to try something else."

Moon sighed. "You're right."

Hey guys! Ok updating time, right? How did you guys like the change of POV's? Should I keep doing it? And congratulations to Petal and Snake! You guys can help me come up with some good names that are things of nature! Comment below! 

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