Chapter 2

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I slept poorly that night. It rained, which I normally would've thought was cozy, but right now it just made me cold and uncomfortable. I'd changed positions at least twenty times, but still couldn't relax. I thought of knocking at Pansy's door for a second, because she didn't sleep a lot and was most likely awake, but I could hear her snoring as I went to get some water. I crawled back into my now not so comfortable bed. I sighed, tonight was gonna be a long night.

-Are you okay Esme? You don't look so good.
Pansy gave me a concerned look at the breakfast table. Dumbledore just finished another one of his cheesy speeches, and my owl, Ruby, had just landed on my shoulder to deliver todays Daily Prophet. Ruby was black, one of her eyes brown, and the other one green, with some light brown feathers as welling on her head. She was absolutely gorgeous. I gave her the last of my toast, before she left. I had dark circles under my eyes, and I hadn't had the energy to take care of my hair this morning, so I'd pulled it together in a bun. Very Y/N of me, I know. I looked at Pansy, but Blaise interrupted me before I could answer.
- Yeah, you look like shit. He bit into a piece of pie. Normally i would've poured some tea over him, but this morning sucked.
-I guess that makes us twins, I'm the prettier version though. I yawned as he rolled his eyes. Mattheo looked up with a grin.
I felt like I was gonna fall asleep on the table. I caught Draco's eyes again over the table before they closed. I wasn't gonna sleep, just rest my eyes. Mattheo sat next to me, and with his curly short dark hair, jawline, a bruise that never seemed to heal, and his clear blue eyes, he looked like a model. At least I hoped he still did, I couldn't really see with my eyes closed. I'd held my head up with my hand but it dropped and I leaned against his shoulder instead. To my suprise he didn't pull away. I leaned against his shoulder. I'd done that a lot before, I was better friend with Mattheo than I was with Malfoy or Goyle. I opened my eyes, realized we were in front of people. I sat up again after a minute. Pansy looked VERY satisfied. She winked at me. Blaise tried to talk to Draco but failed. Malfoy looked like he could kill somebody. I thought of last night. Malfoy flirted with everyone, and honestly, it wasn't even flirting, not really? But he had been a little touchy. It usually wasn't weird to me when I hung out with Mattheo. But Draco's presence made it weird. Did he like me? He didn't look at me right now but looked utterly pissed. I couldn't possibly be that delusional. Malfoy was always pissed. Did the thing in the common room mean anything? If it even counted as a thing. I couldn't think of that. I had a test.

After McGonagall's class, and when Professor Trelawney's got canceled because of a private reason, we moved on to my fathers, Professor Snapes class. If it isn't obvious enough for everyone. My name is Esmeralda Snape, my father is Severus Snape, and my mother (like every other main character) is unknown. I never asked, he never talked about it. My father didn't give me special treatment, which was good, in fact, he almost treated me like I was invisible in his classes, but overall, he was a great, protective and smart father.
I struggled to pay attention during the day. The way Draco had looked at me was weird and Mattheo had done nothing wrong, but honestly, I'd embarrassed myself. He'd just been nice, which was weird, because he wasn't nice. To his friends of course, but else? Not really. Draco's murderous look kept on all day. He barely spoke, until we got partnered up during Herbology.
- Are you okay?
I watered the plant carefully. He didn't reply. I looked at him a couple of seconds, but he kept ignoring me. He had no right to be mad, he was being ridiculous.
- Can you stop acting like a child and answer the question?
- Ask Mattheo instead.
He looked at me teasingly, but he didn't look upset, his smile was teasingly and evil.
- Hilarious Draco. I know it was awkward but it seriously was nothing, I fell asleep and you know him, he's like the biggest baby in the world. And YOU as well apparently. And I don't owe you an explanation.
- At least you gave me one. And I'm not a baby. By the way, why did you even fall asleep? Slept poorly Princess?
For a second his voice wasn't teasing me, he sounded concerned, his eyes were full of it. Professor Sprout finished the lesson, and we left.
- Very, I don't know why. I said in the hallway. He listened while he pushed a Hufflepuff student out of the way. He grinned.
- Hey, that was unnecessary. I patted him on the arm.
- How? He tilted his head to the side with an innocent smile. I shook my head. He was way taller than me, so whilst he looked down softly I had to look up like an idiot. My heartbeat raised and I forgot about the scolding I wanted to give him for a second.
- To push that little boy out of the way, you're not better than anyone else Draco.
- Yes I am, he said with a wild grin. We were already late to dinner, but it was hard to hurry up with all of the people around us. To my surprise, Cedric Diggory walked up to me.
-Hi Esmeralda. I looked up. He never spoke to me, and honestly, why should he? Slytherins weren't the nicest to Hufflepuffs, I mean, look at what Draco did a second ago. About Malfoy, he looked like he wanted to kill somebody, the certain somebody was Cedric.
-Oh, hi. I smiled a little, I'd barely talked to him ever.
- Can we talk? He looked stressed with Draco so close to me, and his murderous gaze. It'll just take a minute.
I was about to answer when a certain blonde boy interrupted.
- We're already late. He wrapped and arm around waist. (Why the fuck would he do that?) Piss of Diggory.
He dragged me away and left a confused looking Cedric, when we we're a couple meters from the Great Hall, I pushed him of.
- What the hell do you think you're doing? Why would you do that?
- Do you really think Cedric Diggory is appropriate?
- Appropriate? He wanted to talk, for fucks sake. And you have no right to just drag me away like that.
- He's a bad person, Princess. He'd hurt you.
- You know nothing about that. I was about to leave. I wasn't hungry anymore. The common room was probably empty right now and I could use that.
- Esme, come here. You need to eat. He looked at me with a gaze that made my heartbeat race and my heart melt, and I hated myself for it. He grabbed my arm gently.
- I'm not hungry. Get of me.
He did. Maybe I was acting childish but I didn't care.
- Please eat princess, you'll be starved.
-Stop calling me that!
My temper wasn't my strong card. Finally my steps took me to the common room, that wasn't completely empty, unfortunately. I was in shook when my fathers eyes met mine, where he sat on the couch.
- No dinner love?
I shook my head.
- I'm not hungry, besides, I need to study.
Severus Snape was known as cruel, but to me, he was the best dad in the world.
- Good night Esmeralda.
- Good night father.

I lied about needing to study, I just wanted some alone time. I opened one of the romance novels that i found in the school library. Changed to PJ's, and wrapped myself up in my sheets. I'd lied about to being hungry to, now my stomach hurt so badly. But there was no way I'd eat with that lunatic, and besides, I did need some time alone. I checked the time: 22:03. Dinner was definitely closed now. Damn it. Then I thought of Cedric. He was handsome, charming and nice. I'd never thought of him before, and even if he hadn't straight up asked me if I wanted to go out, i was pretty sure that was what he'd meant. That was none of Draco's business. And it annoyed me that he though that it was.
"Knock Knock."
Two quick knocks on my dorm room, maybe it was Pansy looking for me? I got up and opened the door. There was no one there, but on the floor, they was a plate full with food, pumpkin juice, and a piece of my favorite pie.

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