Chapter 3

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How upset was she? I didn't give two flying fucks about Diggory, but Esme? She'd looked sad. But I felt like an asshole. I was gonna kill Diggory. They didn't belong together. Blaise and Mattheo would probably help me hide the body. But I wasn't happy with Riddle either right now. Why the fuck did he hold her like that during breakfast? But if he'd pushed her of, I would've been mad to. I hated when she was sad. That adorable face, that smile, her temper, and the way she made me feel special. I liked her, but why did everyone else as well?
- Mr Malfoy! I understand that I must be quite charming to watch the owls outside the window but please, open your textbook and start reading. Professor McGonagall looked unamused. That old hag. I rolled my eyes and opened the textbook. Mudblood Granger looked way to satisfied. So did poor lock Weasley and scarhead Potter.
I didn't read a single letter that class. Esme went through my mind. What if she dated Diggory? He wouldn't dare. She was mine, I wanted her to be mine more than anything. And if I wasn't such a coward she'd would've known that by now. I hated the idea of anyone touching her, looking at her, and someone liking her romantically.
The bell rang.
- Malfoy? What's wrong with you?
Goyle's stupid face eyed me. That was none of his goddamn business.
- Shut it, Goyle, and by the way, you're late. You have detention at 20:00, you dumbass.
As he ran of, in panic, hoping to get to Professor Snapes detention within 2 minutes, my mind was fucking killing me. This was a shitty day, I hadn't seen Esmeralda during it, and the day I asked Professor Snape where his daughter was, hell would freeze.
I guess it was chilly enough.
The black haired stir man looked up from his potions, he had a nibble of Gillyweed in his hand. Without thinking about it I'd walked to his classroom.
- Malfoy? I'd appreciate you being a little less distracted in my class next week, so will your question be the reason you didn't pay attention?
- No...
I lied, but he was her father. He didn't look like my lie was successful.
- Where's Esmeralda? I didn't se her today at all.
- The school is a castle mr Malfoy, it's not impossible to not bump in to someone every day. If that was all that was on your mind, I suggest you fix your priorities. Now, I have a detention to hold, and mr Malfoy, if you don't pay better attention to my class next week, you might be attending it too, soon.

I walked down the corridor, and was about to head down to the common room, as I saw something that I made me want to poke my eyes out, put them back in, and beat the shit out of the guy in front of me. It was Cedric "Prince Charming" Diggory, and like it wasn't enough, his disgusting mouth was talking to Esmeralda. I hadn't seen her today at all.
She caught me gaze for a second, it made her tense.
- So, is that a yes? I understand if you want to think about it for a little.
She smiled, and my heart tweezed. Why couldn't she smile at me like that?
- I'll think of it Cedric, thank you.
Her dark curly hair, beautiful eyes, and lush lips, made her look like a goddess. I resisted the urge to push Cedric away, tug her into my chest, and kiss her so hard those beautiful lips bled. Diggory left and gave me a meaning smile as he passed me. I almost beat him up, but I told myself that I would, but not now, it wasn't dark enough. Esmeralda looked at me again, she couldn't blow me of. We were both heading to the common room, I knew it. She started walking, with me behind her, faster, but she wasn't running.
- Look at me Esme.
She didn't.
- Esme, if you don't turn around, I'll run up the stairs, drag Diggory into a corner, and I'll torture him with "Crucio" until he's lost his mind.
She flinched, and turned around. Maybe that was harsh, I didn't want her to be afraid, but I'd never been so upset.
- Who I like is none of your business Draco, you've made it a bad habit sticking your nose into stuff that isn't yours recently.
- Are you going out with Diggory? She backed against the wall and I followed. I'd never hurt her, but I wanted her to answer me, and never leave me, and smile at me the way she'd smiled at Diggory. He was a fucking Hufflepuff. Was she serious?
- I told him I'd think about it, I'm surprised you don't already know the answer since you heard the whole conversation.
- Your not thinking about anything, are you? I leaned my head to the side, as I put me arm next to her head. A scent of vanilla and sugar made my heartbeat blush. There was no other way to describe it. I was so close to her head.
- It's none of your business, she snorted, but she didn't move. I thought I'd loose my mind if I didn't kiss her soon, but the footsteps of a familiar person made me freeze. Argus Filch.
- He's here somewhere! That little shit is not gonna leave us alone. Esme finally moved. I grabbed her hand gently, as we ran to the library. It was still open, but empty. The hall was dark with nothing but a candle on the table to light the room of books up. As we walked in we heard a click on the door. It was locked.
-Who the hell was that?
- Alohomora
It didn't work. If Esme couldn't do it, it was definitely locked. Jesus, who was I? Complementing someone who wasn't me? Anyway, we were locked in for the night. Fuck. Only to accept, I'd learned that in the past, and after banging the door a couple of times. I turned around to face the dark library. A million shelves with books, a small fireplace without fire, and loads of armchairs a little everywhere, windows revealing the dark, the moon and the stars, and a coffee table with a candle on it. The only light source.
- Lumos
She flinched as the light came out of the top of my wand. But if we'd have to stay here for the night I might as well bring some light to this place. I looked at her, she looked nervous, and so fucking adorable. I wanted to kiss her so bad. Just do it Malfoy. But I couldn't. It was wrong, but since when did I care?
- Should we sit down? She looked everywhere but me. I nodded. We sat down on two armchairs in front of the coffee table. I lighted a fire. We were stuck here for the night.

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