Chapter 12

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Draco came to visit me every day after that night. He always brought me flowers, food, or candy. He snuck in at night, and we simply talked. He was charming. Sometimes I wondered how he could be so rude to others, when he was so kind to me, and I loved it. My head still hurt but we didn't talk much about the person who'd hit me. Maybe he didn't know but still, I didn't want to talk about it right now. But I was pretty sure Draco had done something about it, because he was weirdly calm.
It was the first week of December, and I was finally healthy again. I'd spent the afternoon in the library, reading a great romance novel, I hadn't had time to look at the time. When Draco showed up it was already six o'clock.
I smiled, he always made me happy.
I curled up in his lap with my book in hand, I realized I was still wearing his shirt.
-What are you reading?
-Just a book.
I tried to hide it but failed.
Draco looked up shocked as he grabbed the book.
-You're reading smut in public?
I grabbed the book.
-No, I'm not in public, the library is empty.
He kissed my hair and mumbled something.
-Sweetheart, can I have my shirt back?
Then I hit him with the book.
-What the hell was that for?!
He looked shocked and insulted.
-You asshole! It's the third of December? You don't ask for a your shirt back on that day!
-Why no-
I hit him again.
-Okay stop it, you're ruining my hair.
-Then stop tickling me!
He kissed my cheek, and cuddled me closer.
-Sorry for breaking the shirt rule?
-Don't ask why.
He grabbed the book from me, he was way taller so it wasn't even an idea trying to take it back.
-"His arms trailed my-"
-Shut up!
-Why don't you read it for me?
I looked at him, to see if he was serious. He looked pretty serious, it made me grin.
-I'll read anything for you, but not this.
I got up and grabbed another book from the shelf, tried to, it was to far up. Then I felt his warmth, a smell of spice and heat, and a whisper in my ear.
-Hard to reach, princess?
He turned me around, and I met his gorgeous eyes.
-Can you grab that one for me? I need it!
He leaned in, placing his arm right above my head.
-Sure princess, I'll give it to you, but first, I want a kiss.
I smiled, he was really silly sometimes. His eyes looked down at me teasingly.
I smiled, and I could feel my cheeks blush. I placed a gently kiss on his lips. As I leaned back again, he looked pretty disappointed.
-That's it?
-Did you expect anything else?
I barely finished the sentence before he pinned me against the bookshelf, kissing me deeply.
-Nobody is here.
I had no complaints to make. His lips tasted spiced and warm, and inhaled the smell of him. I wrapped my legs around him, holding on to his neck and straddling his hair.
-Yes, I did expect something different.
He smirked, was i blushing?
I eyed him, I could never get over how attractive he was, hair messed up perfectly, tie loose, shirt with a few buttons unbuttoned, sharp jaw.
-And by the way love, keep my shirt, I love it on you.


She was the most gorgeous human being on earth, I always thought that was me.
Now she was tucked into my bed, still in my shirt, a fresh face, clean curls, and creamy skin, babbling nonsense, but she was talking, and I loved hearing it, especially when she talked about herself.
-My dad used to have this weird cat, it was a black one, with a green eye, it was so pretty, and I swear that I saw it the other day! It was exactly-
Now she was getting ready for a party tonight, that we both unfortunately were going to. Pansy was throwing it, again, and I'd rather eat a bucket of spiders than go. But Esme seemed excited. She got herself ready while I wrote my essay for Professor Flitwicks class, simply described, the class wasn't going very well, and neither was McGonagall's, or Snapes. Snape just hated me because of Esme, and he was definitely suspecting something, but if I had to put up with ridiculously bad grades and death stares to be with Esme, I'd gladly do it.
-Cheer up! Tonight it going to be fun!
-Expecting another drunk story, sweetie?
I asked while I unbuttoned my shirt to change.
-Those that mean I get another one of these?
She held up my (now her) shirt.
-Take as many as you want sweetheart.
-I'm kidding.

When we arrived in the weird abandoned basement Pansy found, it was already full as fuck. People were hella drunk, and I pulled Esme closer, I didn't know why, it was an instinct. Pansy walked up to us, at least she looked more sober than last time she threw a party. My eyesight caught Blaise, dancing with some Ravenclaw girl i had never seen before. I hadn't forgiven him, he'd danced with Esme, and so had Goyle. Fuck them all. I'd already beat the shit out of Blaise til he'd apologized, and pushed Goyle of his broom on purpose a couple of times. I couldn't kill them, they were friends of mine, even though they didn't feel like that right now, and they'd been drunk. Everyone had. I held Esme protectively.
-Are you okay?
Her gorgeous eyes looked up at me, so beautiful all I wanted to do was leave with her, and get lost in her eyes forever.
-Yes, are you?
She nodded, we could barely hear each other through the loud music. Had Pansy learned nothing from last time? This was gonna end in hell, she was low key pathetic.


Everyone danced, and so did I, but this time, it wasn't to annoy Draco, thank god. Tonight I was in a good mood, and me and Draco were in a good place.
Tonight I didn't drink though, last time had not been worth it. But that was definitely not a very influenced decision, because my friends definitely were. Blaise could barely stand straight and looked nauseous. Draco had had a few shots, but not a crazy amount, he looked pretty fine. Mattheo was just smoking, and Pansy was as drunk as a rock. The girl was insane.
-Hi baby!
She hugged me and I could smell the alcohol all over her.
-Watch out with that bottle girlie.
-Okay, she said and chugged the rest of it down. I rolled my eyes.
-You're insane! I screamed through the music.
-Not as insane as Blaise!
I'd lost sight of Blaise for a second, and now i couldn't see him.
-Where is he?
-Beating some kid up around the corner.
At that second Draco walked up behind me with concern on his face.
-Are you okay?
-Yeah, why?
-I can't find Blaise and last time I saw him he is not in a good condition. Where is he?
Pansy pointed with a drunk finger to the left.
Draco took my hand and we ran towards the direction she'd pointed to.

-Blaise stop it!
Esme's scream made a drunk Blaise miss his curse against an even drunker Crabbe, and my blood to ice through my weins.
-Fuck you Zabini!
Crabbe pushed him. This was gonna be a "no wand fight", apparently. For fucks sake, why were we even here?
-Let's go, I mumbled to Esme.
She shook her head. Of course she cared about these idiots, she was to sweet for this world.
-Go fuck your self Crabbe! You really think you can do that shit?
I wanted to hold Esme closer, but she pushed me of and walked up to a now terrified looking Crabbe.
-Those fists of yours better be to hit yourself until your brain works correctly, or I suggest you fucking relax them.
Pride bloomed in my chest as Crabbe resisted the urge to hit Blaise. But soon I was gonna hit Zabini, hard as fuck.
-Fuck of you little bitch.
Blaise touched her, pushed her. It only took me a second before my fist slammed into his jaw, and on his nose, and then his ribs. And again, harder, until all that was left of him was a bloody face.
Her scream frooze me again and stopped me from kicking him in his stomach. Tears filled her eyes.
-You've really grown weak Malfoy, listening to some bitch.
I hit him again, but not hard enough to shut the asshole up. Drunk Blaise was horrible.
-That's not how you sounded about her a couple months ago, remember? But at least you won!
-Shut the fuck up Zabini, do you hear me? Shut it!
-What is he talking about?
Esmeralda's eyes looked at me, cold, scared.
-What is he talking about Draco?!
-I was gonna tell-
-Your "boyfriend" has won some money, and do you you know how? Thanks to you! Congrats Malfoy, you got Snape!
Crabbe and Zabini laughed.
-He got me?
She looked at me with disgust. And tears filled her eyes. I hated myself, I was a horrible person. I wanted to hug her, but she hated me, I knew she did, and why wouldn't she?
-I was a bet?
She wasn't crying, her eyes looked at me, with nothing but pure hate. I never wanted her to look at me like that. The sparkle in her eyes were gone.
-Of course I was. You're heartless, a heartless fucking bastard!
She screamed, I hated that sound, it made me want to die. Then she went silent.
-I hope you all die alone, because no one deserves to be pained with your presence til they die.
Crabbe and Blaise went silent. She left. I ran after, grabbed her arm, but what could I do? I was a horrible person, and I'd hurt her. Not Zabini, not Crabbe, not Riddle. I had.

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