Chapter 6

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Two months earlier

I sipped the honey beer. It had been a long day. I enjoyed the end of it. Me, Blaise, Riddle and Crabbe, at The Three Broomsticks, a beer and talk. Crabbe always ordered to much, and Blaise always escaped the bill. I was always the one paying the bill, that cheap motherfucker. But right now, I wasn't upset. I felt good, and for once, I relaxed, which was fucking rare. Crabbe stuttered, he'd chugged his drink to quickly.
"Let's play a game, I've got money to bet on."
Zabini smirked.
"You always say that and you end up with not even a penny in you wallet at the end of the month Crabbe, haven't you learned you lesson?"
He laughed. I took another sip.
"What kind of game?" I asked. Crabbe was dumb, but still a lot of fun.
"A betting game. Some fire girl that you bet you can get in a month!"
He ordered another drink. He usually did stuff like that, and mostly I didn't mind it, as long as I didn't have to be in it.
"Like who?"
Mattheo didn't touch his drink. Instead, he rolled a cigarette. He was the only person I knew  who looked cool smoking.
" Millicent? She's playing hard to get."
"It's because she is hard to get, hard to get and hard to understand anything, girl doesn't have a single brain cell."
Everyone laughed, Millicent was quite stupid.
" No, I'd like something more interesting, how about Esmeralda Snape? She's perfect. As long as Snape doesn't catch us." Crabbe was so drunk, he laughed way to hard at his own humor. Still, something in me twisted when I heard her name. Esmeralda's.

"Two hundred gallions , who's up?"
"Don't look at me." Mattheo shook his head. He usually stole a lot of money, but he spent it on other stuff.
"At least not Malfoy, Crabbe. He's such a coward. And, he's got a thing for her."
Crabbe and Blaise laughed. Assholes. My anger pulsed. I wasn't a coward, and i was going to fucking prove it.
"Who says I'm out? I'm in, let's do it. 200 gallions right?"
Crabbe looked surprised. He smirked.
" 200 gallions it is, good luck my man." He shook my hand like a serious businessman. Too bad. I wasn't losing this bet.


It was an early Saturday morning, October was over, and November didn't greet me well. I hated early mournings sometimes, and at the same time, I found peace in it. Me and Pansy were heading to the Quidditch field to watch the game, Gryffindor VS Slytherin. I was on the team the last year, but I quit this year. I told myself that it was the best for my studies, but honestly, I didn't really love it that much. I did love to watch it though. I hadn't taken care of my curly hair for a long while, so it was in a low bun, I also lost my contacts yesterday, so I was in glasses. My freckles had faded a little now because of the lack of sun, and I was pretty sure I had dark rings under my eyes as well. I rubbed my chapstick over my paper dry lips. They were always dry during autumn. Me and Pansy tugged our scarfs together, our capes, and our gloves. At least my nails were painted. Brown and long. They looked put together, but the rest of me didn't. School was draining me, and I forgot to eat dinner yesterday. I didn't tell Draco that. I hadn't spoken to him since yesterday, when he'd told me he liked me.
- Esme? Wake up bitch! It's game time!
Pansy loved Quidditch, but wasn't good enough for the team, she'd tried out many years in a row, but always got rejected my Flint. Now it looked like she'd given up on joining the team, but it didn't stop her from going to every game, and I wasn't complaining. I loved it to, but why did it have to start so early?
We walked before the huge crowd of fans, mostly Gryffindors and Slytherins, but I saw some Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs as well. One of them was Cedric. I wondered if he was playing some day. He was the captain. Draco was playing, and Crabbe, and Goyle. Blaise hated quidditch, and Mattheo was "too cool for it". I was shocked when I saw Draco right in front of me, next to Mattheo. And a little embarrassed. I looked like shit.
- What are you guys doing here? Shouldn't you be warming up?
Pansy looked nervous and confused.
-Change of plans, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor are playing instead.
-WHAT?! Why?
Nobody answered. But I couldn't care less right now. It was so cold, I think everyone could see I was cold. I literally shuttered like they do in cartoons, I once visited the muggle world with my father so I knew what they looked like. I'd enjoyed it, he? Not so much.
-Well, I'm still going, who else?
Pansy looked at me, hopefully, but I wasn't spending my morning watching a quidditch game in the cold between two teams I hated.
- I'm sorry, Pansy, I'm freezing to death here. Take Mattheo with you!
Mattheo looked up, with a face that said: "No way in hell"
-No thank you, he'd die of a concussion. Dray?
Mattheo pullled Pansy's hat down over her head.
- I'm hungry, no thank you.
I was still shaking.
- I'm going inside, have fun Pansies!
- Esme please!
- She's freezing, are you blind?
Draco's voice was short and snappy, it shocked us all. Mattheo left with a smirk on his face. Pansy rolled her eyes.
- Whatever loverprince, I'll see you later I guess!
She made her way to the quidditch field, and pushed a bunch of first year Gryffindors out of the way. I didn't realize until she was gone that I was alone with Draco, and what he'd said. I was still freezing though. But I froze as he wrapped an arm around me. He did it so naturally, but it made my heart beat race.
-Let's go inside.
We turned around, when I changed my mind.
- Actually, do you want to go to Hogsmeade? I'd love a Honeybeer.
He smiled softly. It was a real smile, and it was sweet. God he was attractive.
- Sure Princess. He kissed my forehead. I blushed, but now I could blame it on the cold.

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