Chapter 8

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My fathers words hit me like a broom.
You need to start trying harder, or you'll fail it all Esme, now prove that you can work hard.

I was working hard. I was working so hard I was this close to falling apart. I didn't cry. My father never cried, so I never cried in front of him. No whining, no complaining. This day sucked. The argument with Draco wasn't a highlight either, or if you could call it an argument. He upset me, and even though he had good intentions, I didn't feel good. I felt sick, weird and stressed. And tonight wasn't gonna change that, I was in no mood of partying right now. When I got closer to the common room I could hear loud music, Pansy's idea had been random, but when I walked in, the room was full. She'd done a great job.
People danced, the music was loud, loads of honeybeers where lined up at different tables, and I could se Pansy in the middle of the dancefloor, hands up in the air and a drunk and happy expression on her face. I couldn't help but smile, but I realized I wasn't going to be able to hide in my room this night. I looked for Draco discreetly, I was ashamed for it, but I couldn't stop thinking of our argument. I'd been rude to him, even though I hated to admit it, it was true.
-Heeeeey Esm!
Pansy ran to me screaming on unsteady legs. I smiled, this girl.
-Hey, do you still have the count on how many shots you've had tonight?
-Nah, but there like really small so it's fine.
She jumped up and down like a toddler. I laughed when something that made my stomach twist stopped my laugh in my throat. Draco. He was in a corner across the room, with Astoria next to him. She talked to him, and even though he didn't look like he was paying attention, I could feel nausea in me. Draco. Astoria. Astoria. Draco.
-Where are the drinks?
I looked at Pansy and I wasn't smiling anymore. She made a silly gesture and walked me to the shots. I took one without talking. The liquor burned, but not enough. I took another one. This one didn't burn enough either while I showed it down my throat. I took one again, and again, and again until I'd lost the count. I felt lighter, and I felt the sudden urge to dance. I danced with Blaise, who was so drunk his dancing was worse that usual. Then with Crabbe, who I would've never danced with in a sober condition. I took another shot. I could barely stand straight now. I wingless around on the dancefloor. I let my bun out, and by glasses I'd dropped somewhere. I fell into a couple of people to I think. The music was louder, everyone was louder, everyone danced. Suddenly someone started a dance circle. It was so hot. I took another shot. I tried to resist the urge to take of my shirt, but I was about to do it anyway when a stranger whispered in my ear.
-What do you think you're doing?
It wasn't a stranger, the voice was very familiar, it was Draco. My anger pulsed. He'd placed a hand on my hip. I pushed him. I didn't know what I was doing.
-Get of me asshole.


She'd been in my eyesight all night, I'd tried not to look at her but failed. Fuck. She was to good at this game. How the hell could anyone be so addicting?

I'd almost turned the place upside down, as I got out of the bathroom and noticed Blaise dancing away from her. From Esme. I couldn't take it anymore, after a while. I ignored Astoria, and made my way up to her. No way in hell was she taking that top off.
-What do you think you're doing?
She pushed me lightly as I touched her. She stood on wiggly legs and her voice was loud.
-Get off me asshole.
I hated our argument from before, fuck. I grabbed her again.
- You're not okay, stop it.
She looked me in the eye.
- I'm fine!
She yelled, and in the same second her balance almost lost it as someone pushed her lightly out of the way. She was a lot of things right now , but not fine. Neither was I, because the second someone had moved her out of their way I'd felt my body tense. She lost her balance again and I caught her.
-We're leaving.
She slapped me. Hard. She didn't mean it, that was obvious, she looked chocked and confused. That's it.
I pulled her with me, up the stairs, and when she didn't listen, I gently pulled her over my shoulder.
I'd drank to much tonight to, because I was being and ass, and I didn't care. At all. She was mine.
When we entered my dorm she started moving again.
-Get off me.
Kicking with her legs in the air like a toddler, I gently placed her on the bed. She took some deep breaths and leaned her head back. I took my west of and sat next to her on the bed. She held her own head in her hands, looking so gorgeous if physically hurt me.
I didn't know what to do, but at least it was quiet here. I handed her a glass of water and began to take the sheets of my bed.
- Ohh what's this?
She eyed the glass.
- It's water, you lunatic, drink it.
As she chugged it down I helped her take her shoes and shirt of. She leaned her heavy head against me and for a second I stopped moving.
-Nooo! She whined
-Feeling okay?
I felt useless, because I had no idea what to do, besides helping her get to bed.
I lifted her up i my lap, and tugged her into bed.
- Are you leaving?
Suddenly she found her voice again.
- Is that disappointment I hear in your voice?
I smirked.
- You're funny sometimes you know, not as funny as me but still, pretty funny. Blaise is funnier though, but..
She kept mumbling and I couldn't leave. What was there for me downstairs anyway? The girl I loved was here. I didn't wanna love her, but I did. But drunk Esmeralda was also a pain in my ass, I felt like I'd learned that now.
I sat down on the end of my bed, and dragged one of my T-shirts over her head. I curled her up in my lap, I had to. She was to sweet. The place where she'd hit me still burned. Damn, and I just called her sweet.
She was still babbling nonsense, asking me tons of questions, but nothing about our fight.
When she fell asleep, all I thought of was how I was gonna kill Blaise tomorrow. And that drunk Esme was a bomb.

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