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Scene: Dimly lit office of a prestigious marketing firm

Scene: Dimly lit office of a prestigious marketing firm

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Sarawat, the suave and terrifyingly obsessed CEO, sat behind his mahogany desk, his eyes locked on the photographs of Tinn. His fixation had transformed into something far more sinister, bordering on madness. His desire for him had become an all-consuming darkness that threatened to devour his sanity.

The picture of Tine seemed to beckon him with its ethereal allure, and he whispered to it as if it were a forbidden talisman.

Sarawat (whispering, his voice laced with madness): "Tine, you will be mine. No one can ever have you. No one But Me."

For weeks, Sarawat had crossed boundaries that were not meant to be breached. He had stalked Tine relentlessly, studying his every move, gathering information about his life, and discovering his deepest fears and desires. He knew more about him than a
he could ever imagine.

Today, as he approached hid desk, his presence felt suffocating, like a predatory animal closing in on its prey. Tine's heart raced, and an overwhelming sense of dread washed over him.

"Tine," he hissed, his voice dripping with a sinister undertone. "I've been watching you, studying you. I know everything about you."

Tine's eyes widened with fear, and he glanced around for help, but the office seemed deserted, as if the world had turned a blind eye to his plight.

Sarawat leaned in even closer, his face inches from his, his breath hot and unsettling. "You can't escape me, Tine. You belong to me."

Tine's hands trembled as he tried to maintain his composure. "Mr. Sarawat, please, I-"

Sarawat's lips twisted into a deranged smile. "No more games, Tine. You will be mine, willingly or not."

As he left h office, Tine felt an overwhelming sense of dread wash over her. Sarawat's obsession had taken a chilling turn, and he knew that he was facing a darkness unlike any other. he had to protect herself and his family from this dangerous man, no matter the cost.

 he had to protect herself and his family from this dangerous man, no matter the cost

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