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The sun had now risen, and Madison had been standing staring at the police covering up Anika's body for ten minutes, not moving a muscle.

Multiple people had asked her if she was okay and she just didn't reply. The only movement she'd shown was when Sam offered her a cigarette. Once she'd finished, she dropped it on the floor and smashed it with her heeled boot.

She snapped out of her trance and limped over to Mindy, biting her lip in pain. "Mind, how are you doing?" Madison softly asked her sister.

"Not good, M, not good at all." Madison didn't say anything after that, pulling her sister into a hug.

Seeing her siblings in pain was exactly why she and her mother had forced them to move away.
She wondered how her mother was feeling, she knew she'd see the news. It'd be everywhere.

Martha had told her children to move so they'd have a safe fresh start. They'll never be safe again.

After a while, she hobbled back up to Sam. "How are you, Mads?" Sam asked, holding her girlfriend's arm, letting her lean on her to take the weight of her leg. "I'm fine," Madison said shrugging.

"Your hand hasn't stopped shaking," Sam said, concerned. "It's a stress thing, I'm fine." Sam looked at her worriedly.

Danny watched the couple from afar, seeing the guilt written all over their faces made him walk up to them. "It's not your fault," He gave them a sympathetic smile. "It kind of is." They spoke in sync making Madison let out a bitter laugh.

Madison looked at her brother and her sister as she spoke. "When we moved to New York, I promised my mom, I'd protect them. And I couldn't even do that." Madison said in shame. Sam placed an arm around Madison's waist, being careful of her injuries.

"Someone took the knives in our kitchen. Someone removed all the knives before we were attacked so we couldn't fight back. I don't know who I can trust." Sam muttered, running her fingers through the ends of Madison's hair.

"Then don't trust anyone. Not your friends. Not me. not anyone, not even each other if you don't want to." Danny told Sam.

Sam shook her head. The only person she was confident in trusting was the woman who stood next to her. Of course, she trusted her sister, but the trust with Madison ran deeper.

Ethan came walking up the street, holding his backpack straps tightly, staring at the commotion. Chad hopped off the back of the ambulance and slammed him up against a car. Madison turned round at the noise, walking over to her younger brother.

"Where were you?" Chad yelled. "I had Econ. You know this-" The curly-haired boy defended himself. "Bullshit! You disappear and then my sisters almost get killed?!" Chad yelled, slamming him against the truck again, making Madison grab him and move him off the boy.

"Calm down," Madison said, not wanting Chad to get in trouble. "I was in a lecture hall with a hundred other people, ask any of them!"

He then got distracted by the people behind Madison. "On my God. Who...?" He said when he saw the body bags. "Anika, and Quinn," Madison muttered making Ethan turn to Mindy. "Oh God. Mindy, I'm so sorry-"

He walked up to her, making her put her hand out to stop him. "Step the fuck back. You are at the top of my list." Mindy spat. "I had Econ!"

Madison then walked back over to Sam, noticing she was looking at Wayne. "We're sorry about Quinn," Tara said once he'd walked over.

"Both my kids are gone. My family's gone." He cried making Madison look at him sadly. She tried not to show her sympathy, since she wouldn't want the same treatment, but she couldn't help but feel sorry for the man.

"They took me off the case. But I'm not gonna stop until find him." Wayne said before turning to Madison and Sam, looking at them directly. "You fuck with my family, you die." Both the girls nodded. "Agreed." Not knowing that his words were aimed.

Madison turned when she heard heels walking towards them, scoffing when she saw Gale.
Growing up, she looked up to the woman, the same as she did with Dewey, but after her book, she didn't know if she'd ever feel the same admiration that she once did.

"Are you okay? I came as soon as I heard-" Gale said before Sam interrupted. "Gale, I swear to God-" Sam muttered. "Truce, okay? I'm here for whatever you need." They gave her a look that said 'Seriously?' Making her scoff. "No, really, I am!" They gave her the look again.

"Fine, off the record, okay?" She said making them all nod. "I'm sorry we punched you," Tara said. "No, you're not." Tara smiled. "No. I'm not."
They all laughed slightly at the humour. All apart from Madison.

She felt wrong to laugh. Even if the joke was funny. People had just died. She felt that if she laughed she was mocking them. She can laugh. But they'd never laugh again.

Gale turned to Wayne, snapping her out of it. You're the cop, right?" Gale said making him nod. "I did some digging on your first two victims and found something. I know where the masks are coming from." They all went dead silent at her words, each more curious than the other.

"Show me," Wayne said making Madison and Sam nod in agreement. A car pulled up a few feet away from them, and Kirby ran out. "Ladies." She said before nodding at Wayne. "Kirby?" A shocked Gale said. "Gale." Kirby acknowledged. "She's with the FBI," Madison said before hugging the small woman.

She was grateful that Kirby was here to help them. She knew the woman was good at her job. It just meant that Ghostface had another target.

"She's a child. They let children into the FBI now?" Gale spoke making Kirby scoff. "I'm 30," Kirby replied, giving Gale a bitter look.

"You look like a zygote," Gale replied making Madison roll her eyes. "I have a gun, Gale." Madison laughed at Gales's face.

"Fine. You're going to want to see this too..." The woman mumbled.

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