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After a short while of freaking the fuck out, Tara and Chad ran straight into their older sisters, screaming for help. "Run!" Chad screamed. Ghostface tried to slash at the boy but Chad hit him with a right hook.

The four continued to run, looking around when they realised they had nowhere to go. "It's Kirby! She's the killer!" Sam yelled.

Madison still had her doubts on it being Kirby but she kept quiet and focused on helping everyone get out, hopefully alive.

"No shit!" Chad yelled. He ran to the entrance, seeing if they could escape. "No, that door's locked!" Sam yelled back to him. The boy looked around exasperated.

"We're trapped?" Madison held her hands on her head, pulling her hair in anger. "She made the whole theatre the kill box. For us." Sam sighed.

"What about up there...? Might be a door to the roof?" Tara tried to ease everyone's tension. "Only one way to find out." Madison and Chad spoke in sync. They all walked quickly and quietly, knowing Ghostface could be anywhere.

As if it was on cue, Ghostface ran out from behind the movie screen, leaping off the stage in front of them. Cutting off their path to the scaffolding. Sam staggered back against a display and dropped her knife it slid away, out of reach.

Ghostface slashed at Chad but he ducked, taking off the head of a mannequin. "Beheadings!" He yelled in shock.

Chad was slammed into another display but he grabbed a camera, slamming it into the killer. "Smile for the camera motherfucker!" He yelled for the girls to run.

The three girls ran down a corridor, Chad hot on their tail. Chad kept throwing things at Ghostface, trying his hardest to keep everyone safe. Chad continued to fight Ghostface when they made it back to the lobby, not noticing a second Ghostface behind him.

"NO!" Madison let out a gut-retching scream. Sam struggled to hold back the two girls who were screaming for the boy. They watched as Chad was continuously stabbed. Chad's eyes found his sister, giving her a warm smile, followed by a nod. "Go..." He muttered, staring directly at his sister. His hero.

Madison didn't have much time to think about what she'd just witnessed. They were all in flight or fight mode. But she felt numb. Her little brother. Her best friend. Was probably dead.

Once Chad's body dropped, the two Ghostfaces did an in-sync knife swipe, making Madison's heart drop down her chest even more than it already had.

The three ran back into the main room, heading for the scaffolding again. One Ghostrace emerged from the narrow hallway by the stage. The second emerged from the lobby behind them.

"I should've known there'd be two," Madison muttered to herself.

The Ghostfaces advanced on them, getting closer by the second. Sam passed the two girls a brick each. Madison nodded firmly, aiming the brick at the one closest to her.

"Ready?" Sam said, Madison nodded but Tara continued to breathe heavily. "I need you to be ready, ready?" Sam said again, making her sister nod. "Come on, dick!" Madison screamed.

A few of gunshots went off, startling the three. The shooter revealed themself, Kirby. The woman stumbled out from behind the movie screen, bleeding from a gash in her temple, unsteady on her feet

"Stay back!" Sam yelled. "We know it's you, Kirby!" Tara told the woman. Madison still stayed quiet, still not believing it was her. "One-one of them knocked me out." Kirby stumbled over her words. She took a step forward, making the sisters raise their bricks.

"Get away from the girls!" Wayne yelled. They all turned to see Waybe rushing into the auditorium from the back security door, his gun aimed at Kirby, rage in his dark brown eyes. She aimed her gun back at him.

"Did you kill Quinn? Did you kill my daughter?" He whispered. "Jesus Christ!" Kirby said in shock before turning to the three girls. "Whatever he told you, don't believe him! He's probably the killer-" Kirby was cut off by one of the killers rushing at Wayne.

"Behind you!" Except he didn't turn, he shot Kirby in the chest before smirking at the three stunned girls.

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