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Gale led everyone to a heavy security door at the back entrance of a rundown building. She then slid a keycard through the swipe lock making it buzz and unlock. "Jason and Greg were little Atlanta rich boys, they apparently used false names to rent this space," Gale said, clearly proud of herself.

"How'd you find it?" Kirby asked the journalist. "It's called "investigative journalism" for a reason." Gale eyed the woman.

Madison couldn't help but roll her eyes at the digs Gale was making towards Kirby. They had more important things to be talking about.

"How didn't you find it? Weren't you tracking them?" She questioned the FBI agent. "I went through their financial records dozens of times. This place wasn't in any of them. It doesn't make sense." Kirby had a confused look on her face.

Sam and Madison exchanged a look, Madison still leaning on Sam for support. "Don't worry. I'm just really good at my job. You'll get there." Gale spoke smugly, walking inside.

"Childish," Madison mumbled to the Carpenter sisters, making them both snicker.

"What is this place? What's with all the security?" Sam questioned, trying to look around since there were no lights on. "It's a movie theatre," Tara said, making Madison shake her head in disagreement. "It's not just a theatre. It looks like a shrine."

Everyone looked around in shock, whilst Gale pushed a button, revealing all the Ghostface cloaks, without the masks. "Holy fuck." Madison said, walking off with her brother, leaning on him for support.

"He's got the whole goddamn franchise..." Mindy said in shock, walking around.

"Chad! Madi! This was Uncle Randy's" Mindy said with a smile on her face. "You've all been through so much..." Wayne muttered sympathetically.

"How did they get all this stuff? Isn't it evidence?" Tara questioned. "Cops like money and evidence can "get lost" pretty easily, especially in closed cases," Gale said before noticing Kirby and Wayne's looks. "Present company excluded, of course."

Ethan then looked around, clearly uncomfortable. "Why am I here, exactly? My alibi checks out."

"So I can keep an eye on you. Roomie." Chad did the 'I'm watching you' movement with his hands, making Madison give Ethan a smug smile, still leaning on her brother so the weight was off of her leg.

Madison limped away from her brother, holding onto the boxes as she moved. The air got caught in her throat when she stood in front of the one thing she never wished to see again.

The axe she'd used to kill both Richie and Amber.

How did they have it? Why did they have it? The last two years she'd tried too hard to forget about it, but here it was, right in front of her, almost mocking her.

"The killer must have found this place before they murdered Jason and Greg, then they took all the masks," Gale spoke up, trying to put the pieces together.

Sam noticed the distant look in her girlfriend's eye as she walked up to her. She placed a hand on her arm making her jump.

Sam didn't speak, which Madison was grateful for, but Sam knew what she was looking at. They all did.

The couple began walking up to the stage, looking at all the mannequins with the cloaks on. Sam slowly walked up to her father's case, almost drawn to it.

Madison followed behind her, gasping when she saw a man behind them, she turned around, not seeing anything. "Sam is that...?" Billy smiled from behind her, making her shudder.

"How the fuck can I see him!?" She whispered quickly, but Sam didn't reply. Madison couldn't help but feel terrified at the vision in front of her.

Was it a trauma-bonded thing? She didn't know. Maybe they're just as crazy as the other.

"Billy Loomis. Nice to finally meet you Madison, I see you and my daughter made up." Madison gasped again, terror written all over her face.

"Oh, no..." Sam whispered. "Oh, yes. come on, Sam, you gotta be excited to get our murder on together again. Get ready to slice up some more motherfuckers. Billy and Sam! Maybe even your girl. TEAM LOOMIS!" He shouted making them both jump.

"Sam. Madi. What are you doing?" Tara said making them snap out of it. They both realised they were slowly reaching to touch the box, making them both look at each other ashamed.
"I- I don't know," Sam muttered.

Tara studied them, her eyes full of concern.
Not just for their well-being, but for everyone else's too. While the two lovers were entranced by the cloak, the others had ascended to the stage. Also looking at the costumes.

"So somebody killed these chucklefucks and just took over?" Chad questioned, making Gale nod.

"Someone who believes Sam and Madison masterminded Woodsboro," Gale said, looking at the two. "If this were a normal Stab movie, this would be the killer's lair..." Mindy said, moving to sit down.

"Which means this isn't a normal Stab movie," Kirby replied, sitting down next to the short-haired girl. Madison gulped at her words.

Tara abruptly ran out of the theatre, making Sam follow after her. Madison sat in front of Billy's box, taking off her bloody jacket.

She was annoyed that since their apartment was now a crime scene, she had to walk around New York in a blood-covered jacket and jeans.

They had offered her some police clothes, but she didn't want them. They'd make her feel like a victim, but she didn't want to feel like one.

It was her fault he was back.

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