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The Fantastic Five all sat laughing and joking. The smiles on their faces were pure and their eyes were full of love.

They then started hearing bangs and yells. "I believe Quinn is entertaining a gentleman caller," Tara said making Madison hide her laugh in Sam's shoulder.

The banging continued to get louder making Mindy give a fake impressed look. "Get it, girl..." She joked, making Madison laugh even harder.

Everyone's phone suddenly pinged with an airdrop. They all gasped when she saw the picture of Quinn getting attacked. They all ran into the living room, standing by the door the banging was coming from. "Run," Mindy mumbled.

The fear that radiated from everyone's bodies was enough for Madison to grow cold. The noise from the bedroom suddenly stopped, making them freeze again.

Quinn's body was thrown out of the room, falling on top of Madison. Everyone began to run, but Sam stayed behind to help Madison get up. The curly-haired brunette pushed Chad and Tara out of the room before following Sam into the kitchen.

They both cursed under their breath when they noticed all the knives had been taken. Sam grabbed the knife block and swung it at Ghostface knocking him off Anika, Sam then helped Mindy up off the floor, not noticing Madison wasn't following them.

Ghostface grabbed the girl, his gloved hands making their way to her throat, making her try to claw them away. He then stabbed her in the thigh, making her gasp out, alerting the other three in the other room.

Sam then ran out of the bedroom, making Mindy and Anika shout. Sam pushed Ghostface off of her girlfriend, smacking him around the head with a lamp.

She then helped Madison walk out of the room, her whimpers making Sam's heartache. When they walked into the bedroom, Sam slammed the door shut behind Ghostface, trying to guard the door with her body.

Mindy went over to help her, Anika and Madi leaned on each other for support, both visibly in pain. Sam yelled at Mindy to get the bathroom door, when Mindy ran in she let out a scream of fright.

"Oh fuck, that guy's dead!" Ghostface charged into the bathroom making Mindy run to close the door.

If the circumstances were different, and they weren't fighting for their life, Madison would've laughed at her sister's responses, but with the pain she felt, nothing was funny.

Madison looked up and noticed Danny waving from the window to get her attention. She forced herself up, groaning in pain. She lifted the window, staring at him confused. When he saw the brunette, his head snapped up with an idea.

The two had been friends since Madison spilt coffee all over him whilst she was moving into her apartment, he then offered to help with her boxes, immediately forming a close bond.

When she saw he was trying to help, she felt a piece of her heartbreak. She didn't want him involved in this. She didn't want to lose anyone else.

Danny had found a place in her heart as her best friend. She couldn't lose him. "I'll be right back!" He yelled making Madison nod, still in shock.

She looked back and noticed everyone apart from Sam was severely injured and if they didn't get help soon, they could all die.

Danny came running back making Madison's head snap back over to him. He lifted a ladder, and pulled it out the window, telling Madi to grab it. "Are you kidding me?!" She shouted. He shrugged. "Do you have a better idea?" Madison shook her head and grabbed the ladder.

"Go Madi!" Mindy shouted, still holding the drawers against the door. "You're hurt, you go first," Madison said to her sister, wanting her sister safe before herself. "Someone has to hold the door! I'll send Sam and Anika next! GO!" Mindy yelled, struggling against the door.

Madison began climbing the ladder, her injured leg wobbling, making her start to cry. As she got closer to Danny, her injured leg fell in one of the holes of the ladder.

The tears that pooled her eyes made it nearly impossible to see. "Danny I don't wanna die! Not yet!" When Sam heard these words, she felt a piece of her heart shatter.

Sam ran over to the window and began shouting encouraging words to her girl. "Mads, hey it's Sam. Try lifting your leg so you can continue crawling, can you do that?" Madison lifted her leg, letting out a loud cry of pain.

Sam was holding her head in her hands, praying for her safety. "Okay! That's good, that's really good Mads. After this is all over, I promise you we'll go on many dates, hundreds if you want. We can go wherever you want since I know you like to be in charge."

Sam said making Madison let out a breathy laugh whilst slowly crawling to Danny who had a small smile on his face watching the two.

"If you want that to happen Mads, I need you to keep on crawling, okay?" Sam let out a noise of relief when she saw Danny pull Madison into his apartment, hugging his friend tightly. Madison looked over at Sam, her eyes full of love.

Sam then began to crawl across the ladder, which creaked underneath her. She faltered, fear written all over her face. "Eyes on me Sam," Madison said, knowing Sam was scared of heights.

Sam looked up and continued to climb the ladder until Danny was able to pull her in. When Sam got inside, she pulled Madison into a long kiss, not caring they were both covered in blood.

Mindy then climbed the ladder, quickly and smoothly since she was rushing for Anika. "Anika, come on!" Mindy yelled towards her girlfriend.

Sobbing, Anika puts her hands back on the ladder, and crawls out, clearly dizzy from blood loss. Each time she moved she looked like she was slowly passing out. "You're doing great honey, keep going," Madison shouted, trying to encourage the girl.

Anika was halfway across when Ghostface appeared in the window. Everyone saw him, their expressions scaring Anika. "What? What's happening?" She called, her voice faltering.

Ghostface placed his hands on the end of the ladder. Everyone tensed. Mindy locks eyes with Anika, trying like hell to keep the panic from her voice. "Anika. You have to get over here, right now."

The fear on Mindy's face made Madison's head hurt. Part of her knew this night wouldn't end with all of them alive.

Ghostface nudged the ladder closer to the edge, making Anika scream out. "Leave her alone!" Madison shouted. Anika realised what was happening, she froze in fear.

Ghostface glares directly at Madison and picks the end of the ladder, tilting it sideways. Anika nearly fell forward, screaming out once again. "Stop it, please!" They all had tears in their eyes.

Mindy tried to move forward to help her but Madison held her back, knowing the ladder wouldn't hold them both. "Mindy! I don't want to die!"

Sam leaned out the window as far as she could, holding her hands out for Anika. Madison and Danny held onto Sam's waist tightly, making sure she didn't fall, whilst Mindy stood crying.

"Sam, be careful." Sam nodded. Sam and Anika locked eyes, Sam being too far away to help her. Anika whimpered in pain, repeatedly saying she didn't want to die.

Ghostface then looked directly at Sam before tilting the ladder multiple times until Anika fell to her painful death...

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