5. Hey Ainslie- This Isn't Kirk.

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Joe's POV

I'm late. I have to be at the hotel in 7 minutes.

And my car won't start.

Frustrated, I run back inside to use the phone, quickly typing Amber's number in hopes that she can give me a ride. My hopes are immediately squashed when I hear her familiar voicemail.

Shit. How am I supposed to get to work? I look at the clock on the microwave sitting atop the kitchen counter. Six minutes.

As soon as I'm about to give up and walk the 2 miles to work, I catch a glimpse of a piece of paper on the countertop.

"Here goes nothing."

I type in the number, not sure if I want the call to be picked up. I bite my nails in anticipation.

The phone stops ringing and I hear metal playing in the distance from over the phone. I take that as my cue.

"Hey Kirk, it's Josephine, uh- Josephine Ainslie I mean, from the hotel. Long story short. My car kinda broke down and I have to get to work so... um I was wondering-"

"Hey Ainslie- this isn't Kirk."

Fuck me.


"Ya...Kirk isn't here right now." I can tell he's about to hang up.

"Wait! Trust me I don't wanna see you just as much as you don't wanna see me, but is there any way you can give me a ride to the hotel?"

"Oh um. I guess. What's your address?"

"24 Pikes road. Suite 6. The faster the better."

"Don't have to tell me twice." He mumbled into the receiver. It's as if I could hear his smirk through the phone.


"Ok I'm on my way."

Next thing I know the line goes dead. Asshole.

James' POV

I groan, throwing on my leather jacket and stumbling to put my shoes on while grabbing the keys to the van off of the nightstand. I scribble a note onto an old pizza box, letting the others know that I'm taking the van and will be out for a bit.

I leave the room, hop in the elevator, and make my way down to the lobby. I reach the van and turn up the radio. If I'm letting that brat ride with me we're doing it my way.

I find her street and go up to her apartment.

"I'm too sober for this shit." And with a sigh I knock on the door. I barely get the chance to before the door swings open and she briskly walks past me.

"You're late." I almost forgot how annoying she is.

We get in the car and I turn the key in the ignition. Music starts blaring and I quickly reach for the knob to turn it down.

"Sorry." I say, embarrassed by the volume.

"It's ok, Motörhead's great." She gives me a small smile and I swear my heart's beating so loud she can probably hear it. Just then I notice her vanilla scent filling the car.

What the fuck?

I ignore my moment of vulnerability and continue to speed to the hotel.

We arrive and she quickly thanks me before she hurries into the building. I trail slightly behind her.

I walk in after her only to see her face drop, presumably from whatever that Amber chick just told her. I try to listen to their conversation as I walk closer. I can barely make out what Ainslie says.

*Seduced by Fame* - A James Hetfield StoryWhere stories live. Discover now