Chapter 9: Cuddles and Chit-Chat

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Sun was fidgeting with his ribbons as you two walked to the daycare. You had no idea why he was anxious about going there, though. Normally, he's happy about going back and seeing the kids again. Now he looks like he's scared to go there.

"Sun, what's the matter?" you ask once you two get to the wooden castle doors of the daycare.

"No-Nothing. It's nothing, Sunbolt," he fidgeted with his ribbons more.

"Sun, it's ok to tell me," You replied softly as you went in front of him.

"You won't understand." He muttered back.

You were about to respond, but the sounds of a child screaming caught both your attention, mostly Sun's.

Sun ran to the doors, bursting them open but froze upon seeing what was inside.

"Sun bun? You ok?" You ask as you get closer.

Once you reach the doors, you peek inside, seeing a tall, maybe 6.5-foot man, standing at the security desk. [I was searching up how tall someone is and I got this from a Reddit comment "7 Feet 2 Inches. It's actually very important, because at 7 feet she would be one inch shorter than Peppa Pig."]

He had his arms folded neatly over his chest, watching over the little kids as he leaned his back against the front of the desk. The man had fluffy auburn hair with a streak of purple going down a bit to the left [his left]; he wore a nice purple suit with black leggings, a black tie tucked into the suit with a nice glowing red stone necklace.

He had a slight stubble with a sharp nose and smooth skin, fluffy eyebrows. The most captivating part of his face was the shiny purple eyes with hints of golden sparkled into them, making them shine like little stars in the sky.

"Sun, what's wrong?" You ask, only to get nothing in response.

His rays were sunken in so much they were missing. If you were to paint him blue, you'd think he was Moon.

"Sun?" You ask again, waving your hand in front of his face, to which he didn't respond.

You sigh. He must be talking with Moon. Maybe he didn't know of a new person and just didn't like the surprise. Either way, you were going to have to talk to the new person anyway.

You stopped attempting to snap Sun out of it and just decided to up and waltz over to the man.

"Hello," You said cheerfully.

The man turned to you and put a gentle smile on his face, "Hello."

"Are you perhaps a new worker for the daycare?" You ask as you leaned against the desk as well. Right up beside him.

He nodded, "Indeed I am." He held out a hand. "The name's William."

You shook his firmly gripped hand, "[name]."

He let go and went back to having his arms crossed over his chest, "That's a nice name you got there."

You gave him a slight smile, "It's a common name though, thousands upon thousands of people in the world could have it. If not, then in a different universe."

William rolled his eyes playfully before going back to watching the kids. You then remembered why you were here.

"Hey, did you see why a kid screamed?" You ask.

He took a glance at you before focusing his attention back on the kids, "Some kid got pissed that someone else got to a toy before him and threw a fit."

You nodded. That would make sense. One pissy flesh bag fighting over another pissy flesh bag.

You felt arms cautiously wrap around you and you turned your head over your shoulder to see Sun warily pulling you way from the security desk and William. 

"Uhm... Sun? What are you doing?" You ask.

"U-uhm..." He struggled to find an answer.

"Sun, I need t-"

"Cuddles!" He blurted out, his grip tightening slightly.

"Cuddles?" You inquired as you raise an eyebrow.

He nodded sheepishly into your shoulder. You sighed. Who could say no to a cute Sun.

"Fine. We can cuddle." You reply as you placed a hand on his head, "Want to do it in your room?"

He nodded again, tightening his grip on your waist once more. You turn to William.

"Hey, can you please watch the kids and give them to their parents? I'm sorry, I know it's your first day and all bu-" He put his hand up to stop you.

"It's fine." He replied happily.

You silently thanked him and let Sun bring you to to his room. The room was as messy as last time you were here, the time Sun got scared of something and ran up here. You had to coax him to come out, assuring him that nothing was here. The poor boy was scared for days after that, always on edge.

He set you gently onto a fluffy pillow Moon had stolen from staff and hesitantly climbed beside you. You smiled at his hesitancy and pulled your arms around him, bringing him closer.

He made a small squeak as you pulled him in, obviously not expecting it. You chuckled at this and pushed his face into your shoulder, rubbing his arm gently.

A few moments pasted until he relaxed and curled into you more. Pressing his face into your neck, producing a very, very, light blush to form.

This was nice. Relaxing even. The soft whirring that Sun emitted was soothing to you, lulling you into sleep.

Sun noticed your sleepy look and smiled against your skin, "Sleep Sunbolt, it's fine." he whispered gently.

You subconsciously nodded and closed your eyes. Falling victim to the darkness.

The Sun Rises When The Moon Falls [Gender Neutral Reader X Sun N Moon]Where stories live. Discover now