Chapter 45: Bedtime cuddles

128 4 21

Words: 570


I swear, the Image isn't what it seems-

Fixed some grammar, don't mind this update


You climbed into bed, yawning tiredly. Today had been... stressful, to put it simply. You'd have to talk to the blood twins tomorrow if you got the chance. What was going to happen when you talk to the kids again? Well... IF you ever talk to the kids again. You had zero idea on how to get to them. They never told you how to contact them again.

Would you have to die again? ...You don't want to die again. You had promised Sun and Eclipse that you wouldn't leave them again. The thought of dying scared you. It hurt a lot last time. What would happen this time? Would it even work? Would it hurt more?

....What if you lose the twins?

Weren't the twins the reason you were alive? Their soul was keeping you alive, right? Maybe.... Wasn't this kind of suicide? Killing yourself just to get to the kids? If it wasn't suicidal at all, why does it still feel like that? Like you were giving up, giving up hope? Were you doing something wrong?!

Your thoughts swirled around inside your head as you stared out the window, at the sky outside of your room. The dark midnight sky was painted with an array of stars. The sight reminded you of Moon, making you smile fondly and help a bit with your thoughts.

"Milky-way..?" A voice spoke, making you look at the doorway, only to see Moon standing in it with an arm propped against the frame.

He raised a brow, staring at you curiously. "Are you feeling alright, [name]?" He looked almost scared as he said that. "You seemed to be deep in thought, and it looked as though you were worried."

Moon tilted his head slightly as you continued to stare off into space. "Did anything else occur today that I should know about? Any trouble? Any problems? Well.... Other than the Eclipse problem." He questioned further.

You shook your head, not wanting him to worry anymore. You sighed lightly, looking over at him, trying to reassure him that everything was fine. You opened your mouth, then closed it, then slowly opened it again.

"Moon.. I can't tell you right now as I don't think the time is right." Your voice sounded small, quiet and almost weak. Moon looked back at you, confused by your response.

"Is everything alright?" Moon asked cautiously, stepping closer to you, placing one hand on your shoulder in comfort.

You hesitated, before answering. "Yes... Everything's fine." Moon still looked concerned. "It's just..." you trailed off. "...Just thinking too hard."

Moon sighed before climbing into bed with you.

"Alright, I trust you..."

You let out a sigh, leaning your head against Moon's chest.

"Don't stress yourself out so much tonight little Milky-way." Moon assured, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you close to his body. "There's nothing to worry about when I'm around... I'll be with you forever. I'll protect you from anything. Even yourself."

A soft knocking rang from the doorway and you looked up to see Eclipse fidgeting with his wrist ribbons. His rays softly glowing in the dark.

"Hi... Nova..." He mumbled, looking to the ground awkwardly.

You smiled softly and raised an arm to him. "Come on, Virus. We have room for one more."

Eclipse perked up at this, giving back a soft smile before climbing into bed with you.

You felt safe with the two with you, like nothing could go wrong. Little did you know, something was going to happen soon that will change everything.

The Sun Rises When The Moon Falls [Gender Neutral Reader X Sun N Moon]Where stories live. Discover now