Chapter 41: Bloody Pizza

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Words: 1106


I shouldn't have believed you

The rain was still pouring when you woke up that morning, making you groan. You had wanted to take Eclipse and Sun out to the park today but you guess that isn't possible with the rain. You stepped out of your room, quickly going to the bathroom before heading downstairs for breakfast. The smell of pancaked wafted into the air making you hum.

What's that smell? Yeah, Is it some kind of poison? If so, It isn't a very good poison.

"That's not poison guys, that's just sweet food," you whispered, not waning anyone to think you were talking to yourself.

I want to get out! That isn't food, food does not smell like that.

You inwardly groaned. "Harvest, I can't let you guys out at the moment, maybe in a few hours. As for you, Scythe, this is human food." I don't like the sound of that. Me neither.

You walked into the kitchen, seeing a happy Sunny flipping some pancakes. You smiled warmly at this.

"Hi Sun." You chirped, making the animatronic jolt before snapping it's neck in your direction.

The sound of a splat registered before the rest did. A pancake Sun had been flipping had landed on his head due to you—accidentally—startling the poor animatronic, the pancake being pierced by his top ray.

"Su-Sunbolt! What are you doing up?!" Sun asked, scooting in front of your view in an attempt to block you from seeing the pancakes.

"It's ten in the morning, Sun." You muttered.

"I-I..." Sun stuttered. "Go back to bed!"

You quirked an eyebrow. "Why? I want to spend time with you."

Sun's fans kicked in and the lighter part of his face glowed slightly, signifying him blushing. "I-I'm flattered Sunbolt! But I-I think you sh-should sleep more!" He stuttered.

"Sun, I'm not tired and you're acting strange. What's wrong darling?" You asked, placing both your hands on his cheeks, feeling the heat of his face grow.

EWWWWW! We're touching it!! Gross, gross gross!!

You ignored the blood twins as you kissed Sun on the lips, faintly hearing the screaming of the two in the back of your mind. Sun's fans increased and his rays spin like a windmill. You heard him squeal before he stood up out of your reach, watching as he shook his hands in a happy stim.

You 'aww'ed as you watched his cute little reaction, watching as he slightly bounced up and down while stimming and squealing. You giggled at his reaction, feeling the wind of his rays slightly blowing in your face.

"What's going on here?" A voice chuckled. You turned behind you, seeing Eclipse holding the kitten in his arms.

"Kissies! Kissies!!" Sun squealed. "Moreee! Pleassseee~!" Sun whined as he leaned down excitedly, his hands gripping the two bottom rays to stop the spinning.

You chuckled as you cupped his cheeks again, littering his face with  a ton of small little kisses. Sun giggled giddily as he felt the softness of your lips against his faceplate and the warmth of your hands on his face. He gently held your wrists as his rays spun quickly.

Eclipse walked over, chuckling at the sight. "Can I have one little Nova?" He asked. "Please?" He added.

You chuckled and cupped his cheeks, giving him a soft kiss on the forehead. "There you go, Virus."

Eclipse chuckled and kissed your forehead back. "Thank you~," he purred, walking off to the couch to watch TV with the kitten.

Hey, remember yesterday when we were making stuff?

You hummed and nodded slightly, not wanting to speak to the blood twins incase of suspicion. 

Can we make something too? We looked up human food and found something called pizza.

You hesitated. "Sun, I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back, ok bud?"

Sun perked up and this nodding frantically. "Yes, yes! I'll be a good boy and wait for you Sunbolt!"

You chuckled and gave him one more kiss before heading to the bathroom. You closed the door and sat on the ground, back against the door. "Ok guys, listen, I don't know if I trust you guys being out, especially with Sun and Virus with me." 

Just let us out! We won't do anything, we just want to try what you did! You can take back control whenever you want remember?

You hesitated. "What about my voice? Won't it change?"

Only if you want it to. Yeah!

You it your lip as you thought about it. I mean, It wouldn't hurt. As long as he two don't do something stupid then everything would be ok... right?

"Alright." You mutter.

YES! Give us control!

You handed over control, feeling the familiar soft buzz in the back of your mind and felt the same stiff and hard to move feeling encase your body. The twins flexed your body's fingers, feeling them and getting used to your body.

"This body is weak." Harvest muttered.

Tsk, whatever, just go.

The twins walked out of the bathroom, walking into the living room where Sun sat eagerly on the couch. He perked up once he saw your body and ran happily over. You felt the twins flinch and step back as Sun waltzed over. Sun must've noticed this too because he slowed to a halt in front of the twins.

"Sunbolt are you ok?" He asked, tilting his head in worry.

What do we do?! I don't know but I don't want this maggot anywhere near me!

You heard the twins speak to each other in their head, a little offended that they were acting this way towards Sun.

"Sunbolt?" Sun repeated, raising his hand to cup your face.

Bloodmoon hissed at this, jumping back before he could touch him. "Stay back maggot!" Harvest hissed, making you panic.

Guys stop! You're going to raise suspicion! Don't you guys want to stay out?!

You didn't want to manipulate the two in any way but you had to get them to stop acting like this.

Sun staggered backwards from Harvest's action, his rays sinking in on themselves. "S-Sunbolt?"

Say sorry, and get to the kitchen. Say you're just jumpy.

Brother I don't want to say sorry! Do it! I don't want us to lose control again!

Bloodmoon grumbled before sighing and reluctantly doing as told. "Sorry." He muttered under his breath. "We are just jumpy."

Sun just stared at them, most likely still in shock. You sighed and mentally noted to apologize to him once the twins were done. 

Lets get to the kitchen, I'll help you make the pizza.

Bloodmoon seemed to perk up at this, excitedly running to the kitchen. Oh faz, how were you going to explain this to Sun later?

There should be a already made pizza crust in the freezer. I was thinking of making the same thing you guys thought of a few days ago but-

"Yeah, yeah, human, we get it!" Harvest interrupted looking around.

What's a freezer? 

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