Chapter 31: Resurrection

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Words: 468


Why am I posting so much today? I have no idea- this is like- the sixth chapter i've posted

BTW if ya'll haven't figured it out yet, the italic words at the start of each chapter is pointing towards some lore. What character? You'll have to find out! 


You took my body away from me, stripped my memories from me.

You groaned as you put your hand against your head to stabilize it. Your head was pounding and you had no idea if it was because of the travelling, or being revived. Maybe both.

You opened your eyes and looked around your surroundings, seeing you in Sun and moon's room.... Oh shit..

If you're here, that means they knew you died... If this was just Eclipse it would be different, but them? You couldn't possibly figure out how to explain this to them.


"GAH-!" You yelped as that stupid bear popped up in your vision.

Honestly, you forgot about him... What was his name again? Tod?

"It appears you have an unknown entity in you, allow me some time to remove it."

"Wait no!" You exclaim, a bit too loud for comfort. "I'm allowing him! It's fine!"

The bear didn't come back and you hoped Bloodmoon would be ok.

Can you hear us, human? Give us our blood!

Yep, they're ok.

"I can hear you guys, yeah. I just need to find that person in order to get it," You respond tiredly.

Now! Give it now! Give the blood! You promised blood!

Damn, these guys are persistent and impatient. "Alright, alright, let me go find him," you sigh.

You got up off the comfy beanbag chair and went down the stairs, exiting in the theater. What you saw standing outside the hidden entrance though, wasn't what you were expecting.

"hello, [name]. It seems you're alive again."

"Uhm..." You felt uneasy. "H-Hi Lunar..."

Why are you feeling so uneasy around Lunar? He's fine, he's not dangerous. He hasn't hurt you, or anyone else so why are you feeling like this?

"Sun told me to keep watch over your body incase something happened. He's really dumb, you know that?" Lunar tilted his head as he folded his arms behind his back.

"Uhm..." You didn't know what to say.

Leave! Flee from him, not good. Not good! Get the blood! First priority! Dangerous! Get away from him!

Why was Bloodmoon acting up like this around Lunar? Was he the one giving you this sense of discomfort?

Lunar stepped closer, only making the feeling grow worse. "Are you feeling ok [name]? Did resurrection mess up your mind?"



"I-I'm sorry Lunar but I have to go find Virus." you stuttered, wanting to get away. Bloodmoon was screaming in your head, telling you to leave at once.

"Who?" Lunar tilted his head a bit more, giving an innocent smile.


"Ah, yes. Eclipse is down in Parts and Service. That fight sure weakened him quite a bit~."

"Ah... Yes... T-Thank you Lunar. I'll be going now." You pushed past him, trying to mentally sooth the animatronic who was screeching in your mind as you passed.

"Ta-tah~," Lunar wiggled his fingers in a form of saying goodbye, making a shiver run down your spine.

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