Entry #2

180 7 6

Words: 934


The scene was dark, it was grassy and appeared to be nighttime. The land was moving as wind rushed past the microphone. It then switched to the solar animatronic sitting on the grass, holding it's legs close to it's body and looking up at the stars.

The animatronic appeared to be cuddled up in a tortilla blanket. 

"I've noticed Clip-SE has taking a liking to stars and things related to itself. Constellations, lunar eclipses, blue moons, blood moons, anything. I've decided to get it a telescope. I want to see how it'd react," William said off camera.

The camera zoomed in on the animatronic, making a humming sound while doing so. The animatronic's gaze was focused, its metallic eyes gleaming in the moonlight. The night sky was full of twinkling stars, each one a tiny beacon of light in the darkness.

With a graceful motion, the animatronic stood up and stretched its slender limbs. Its body emitted a soft orange glow, casting a gentle luminescence over the surrounding grass. The wind continued to rustle through the blades, creating a symphony of whispers that accompanied the animatronic's observation.

William whistled off camera, making the animatronic turn it's head, it stood there for a while, waiting for a command, or perhaps a question.

"Clip-SE, would you like something to look at the stars better?"

The animatronic tilted it's head in confusion, "Pray tell, esteemed creator, what is the meaning behind your words?"

The audio of William muttering 'I should've made it less formal' was slightly heard before William responded to the animatronic.

"A telescope, Clip-SE," he replied as he walked into frame.

The animatronic didn't respond for a while before tilting it's head more, "what is the purpose of this device you speak of?" the animatronic inquired, its voice a gentle hum.

"A telescope is a tool that allows us to observe celestial objects, such as stars, planets, and even galaxies, with greater detail," William explained. "It will enhance your ability to gaze at the stars and explore the vastness of the universe."

The animatronic's expression remained unchanged, but there was a hint of curiosity in its gleaming eyes. "To explore the universe... that is a concept I find intriguing," it mused, its voice filled with wonder.

William nodded before turning to the camera and picking it up, "I'll get it later today Clip-SE. For now, why don't you go charge."

The animatronic nodded before heading towards a house.

End of Entry #2

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