Chapter 35: Confession

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Words: 547

I told ya'll It'd rush it, here's your rushed confession lolz-

finally, after 34 chapters/2 and a half hours you finally get a sudden confession.

BTW this is the chapter for tomorrow. I'm posting it early for ya'll. Congrats.

Very last dialouge part by thepaperbag2


You held Eclipse in your arms, rubbing his back and soothing him as he cried into your body. You didn't know that your death would affect them this much. Sure you'd expect them to miss you a bit and be slightly upset about your death but you didn't expect them to be full on balling into your shirt.

"I-I saw you die... A-A-And... I was scared. So I told Sun, A-And..." Eclipse trails off, not able to continue speaking through his sobbing.

You pull his face up by his chin, using your thumbs to wipe away the oily tears. "I won't leave you again, ok Virus?" You place a kiss on his forehead before placing your own against his. "I promise."

The sound of the Parts and Service door opening caught your attention and you looked over your shoulder to check who was there. Seeing none other than Greg and Sun.

Once Sun's gaze fell on you he froze, scanning you up and down.

"Hi [name]," Greg greeted calmly, most likely unknown to your death.

"Hi Greg, how've you been? I haven't seen you ever since the William incident," you reply as calmly as you could in this scenario.

"Yeah sorry. Fetch has been keeping me busy," Greg apologized sheepishly.

"[name]...?" You heard Sun mumble, making you hum in acknowledgement.  "I-Is that really you..?"

You give him a warm smile as you sit on the ground crisscrossed and position the now asleep Eclipse into your lap.

"Yep, that's me," you reply.

"How..." Tears threatened to spill from Sun's eyes and you honestly didn't want to have to sooth another animatronic.

Geez, are all these maggots weak?

"I'll tell you later, ok?"

Sun nodded, trying to keep the tears in. You could see it was difficult. This got you wondering how moon was doing. How was he reacting to all of this?

"[name]. I want to get this out as soon a possible," Sun says, interrupting your thoughts. "[name], I- We love you. I don't know if you return these feelings, but no matter if you do or don't, know that we deeply care for you, because we really, really, love you..."

"Damn, Sun. Didn't know you were a romance type."

What is a 'row-mans?' Is it bloody and delicious?

Greg facepalmed and groaned. "Dude, you have to flirt. Dumbass."

"Ok, one, language. Two, what?"

"Example." Greg stepped closer to you, taking your hand in his and leaning down a bit with his other arm folded behind his back. "If you be my star, I'll be your sky. I'll make sure you know you're mine~."

I DON'T WANT YOUR COOTIES! If he doesn't stop, I'm going to rip his jaws apart.

"Ew. You need to work on your flirting dude," you deadpan.

"Yeah I know, It's just an example for your little Casanova over here~."

I hate this so much. Same brother.

You place a hand on his face, shoving him away. "Ew. Ugly ass mother fu-,"

"[name], language!" Sun scolded.

You tsked.

"You never answered their confession though, [name]." Greg spoke up.

"Oh, yeah I've had the same feelings for a while now. Not extremely strong but I know enough to know I feel the same."

"Excuse the fuck outta me?"

"Language, little mister! [name] do you really mean it?" Sun looked at you with the look of 'hi, I was just wondering if my family member survived the surgery,' kind of pleading in his eyes.

You shrug. "Yes, I love you Sun. With all of my heart. I would die for you my little Sun bun. ... I love, love, love, you even though we've been working together for a few years, although it feels like I've known you a lot longer than that."

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