Chapter 39: Playfulness

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The sun was setting as you and Moon relaxed on the couch. The interaction had left Moon wanting more touch so he had clung to you for the rest of the day, hugging, cuddling, or just plain petting you.

You haven't seen Eclipse all day as the solar animatronic had kept himself in his room with the kitten. Moon wanted to just enjoy the time he had with you, telling you not to go get Eclipse but you were getting restless just lying on the couch.

"Mooooonnnn~!" You whined, looking up to see Moon's faceplate looking back down at you with half-lidded eyes.

"[name], no. He's fine." Moon slightly warned, tightening his grip on you ever so slightly.

"But what if Virus' battery died!" You whined, shifting a bit on top of Moon.

"[name]. Eclipse is fine. He has a cat, he'll live. Besides, even if  his battery dies he won't die with it. You know this, Starlight."

"I'm starting to think you just want Virus to not get in the way of cuddles." You glanced back up at him, seeing him glance away.



"Well I'm sorry If I feel clingy!"

You sighed, patting his cheek. "You're fine Moon, but I feel like I should just check on virus quickly."

"No need my precious little Nova!"

You looked at the stairs, seeing Eclipse smiling softly at you two, the kitten sound asleep in his arms. "I'm just fine!"

Eclipse walked over and sat criss-crossed on the floor, back against the couch you were lying on and head on your lap. You heard a soft growl from Moon, making you sigh softly. You looked back up at him, seeing him glare daggers at the solar animatronic.

"Moon," You softly warned.

Moon looked at you, glancing quickly at Eclipse before nuzzling into your neck. You felt the soft fuzz of his hat rub against the bottom of your chin, the soft fur white fur on it sending a tickling feeling on your skin. You sighed softly before chuckling.

"Moon, stop being a jealous little baby," you teased, making the moon animatronic bite your neck as a soft warning.

"Is your lover being jealous?" Eclipse purred teasingly, looking up at you from your lap.

You hummed in response. "Yep."

Eclipse got off the ground, cat held in his arms, upside-down like a baby. Eclipse then walked up to Moon, right beside his head. Moon looked at Eclipse in confusion.

"Eclipse, what are you-?" Moon attempted to ask the solar animatronic, getting stopped short by Eclipse holding the sleeping loaf out and plopping the sleeping kitty onto his faceplate, muffling any protests.

With you in Moon's arms, and him being too lazy and stubborn to remove them, he was left with a sleeping kitten on his face. This left Eclipse chuckling softly to himself. The scene of a very heavily sleeping kitten on Moon's face was both cute and funny at the same time.

You chucked a bit with him, watching as Moon just lay there as If he'd already given up.

You hummed softly as you gently picked up the small kitten, holding it in your arms like it was a child. Eclipse huffed as he sat down, stretching before placing his head back on your lap. You lay the kitten on your chest, petting it slowly. You felt Moon's arms tighten around your waist, making you look up at him.

"Hey Moon?" You ask, getting a soft hum of acknowledgement. "Now that we have nothing to do at the moment..." You trailed off, making Moon raise an eyebrow in confusion. 

"What, Starfire?" Moon asked, shifting slightly.

"When we first met..."

Moon looked at you in anticipation, waiting patiently for you to finish.

"What happened to Sun to almost dismantle him?"

The Sun Rises When The Moon Falls [Gender Neutral Reader X Sun N Moon]Where stories live. Discover now