Chapter 22: Fetch!

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Words: 602

I'm sorry, I was in a rush so this is shorter. I had to make it in half an hour


You had managed to fix Sun—however he did have a few panic attacks—and started heading off towards the daycare. Sun kept close to you, attempting to stay as far away from William as possible while still staying close to you.

You guessed he must've blamed William for the bad time he had in Parts and Service, and honestly he kind of was. William was being more forceful and less gentle with Sun as he was still—admittedly overdramatically—angry from the argument about Lunar.

Upon reaching the daycare, you were met with an unexpected sight at the entrance—a boy accompanied by a robotic dog.

The boy had a long face, eyes that are close together, and a small nose. He had long, wavy blond hair, average height, muscular arms and legs, and narrow shoulders and a thin torso. The dog beside him seemed small, about the size of beagle.

The animatronic dog possessed distinctive features that resembled its mechanical nature. Its triangular head boasted pointed ears, a sloped forehead, and a long snout, while its piercing yellow eyes appeared captivating, albeit with an unsettling intensity.

The dog's mouth, elongated and far wider than one would find comfortable, contributed to its uncanny appearance. In the neon glow of the Pizzaplex, its fur, a mix of grayish brown hues, exhibited patches of wear and tear, revealing tarnished metal beneath. A few wires protruded from its oversized ears, and a partially exposed cavity in its belly showcased what appeared to be a rudimentary circuit board.

However, what caught your attention was the blue collar adorning the animatronic dog's neck. Suspended from the collar, something shimmered and caught the light. Was it a dog tag, perhaps? Curiosity piqued, you couldn't recall the existence of a dog animatronic within the expansive Mega Pizzaplex.

Just as you began to ponder this mystery, the boy noticed your presence and hurriedly made his way over, with the animatronic dog dutifully following behind. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed William tense, but he remained silent.

You were confused on the animatronic. You didn't recall there ever being a dog animatronic in the Mega Pizzaplex. The boy took notice of you and ran over, the animatronic dog following loyally behind. You saw William tense from your peripheral vision, but otherwise remain silent.

"Hi there! You must be [name], am I right?" the boy greeted you with an enthusiastic smile.

"That's correct," you replied, returning his smile.

"Awesome!" the boy exclaimed. "I'm Greg, and this little fella here is Fetch," he gestured towards the robotic dog, affectionately patting its head.

"Did you create Fetch?" you inquired, pointing towards the animatronic canine.

Greg shook his head, his smile widening. "Nope! I stumbled upon him in an abandoned building. Turns out, he's an animatronic dog designed to sync up with your phone and assist in retrieving information and other things for you."

"Well, that certainly explains his name," you remarked, a hint of amusement coloring your voice.

"Yup! We didn't exactly hit it off right away, but we managed to work things out, and now everything's just fine. However, lately... Fetch has been pulling me towards this place," Greg confessed, his tone becoming slightly uncertain. "Every time we come by, he insists on heading straight to this daycare over here. But that all changed when he caught sight of you... he became fixated and made a beeline for you. I had to intervene before he drew too much attention."

Intrigued by this revelation, you probed further. "Do you have any idea why he's behaving this way?"

Greg averted his gaze, visibly hesitant to share his thoughts.

"I believe he wants to 'fetch' you, much like he used to do in the past."

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