Chapter 1: To Be the Not to Be in To Be

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Ya know, I thought long and hard about this one. I considered it seriously for as long as I consider things seriously these days – I mean, really, what the hell just happened? This wonderful, woe begotten hell-be-damned-I'll-use-you-'cause-you're-there and I've operated, functioned, or you've operated and functioned for me over the best part of this decade: our year 2023 in the Lord of this the 18th day of March, I'm thinking, I surmise 2 days from Spring, wonderful, and that's just the point!

This stupid computer, which is otherwise nice and dandy, smooth running, like a funny, bobbling sea beneath the boats and the birds fly over... Who knows what birds - and I sure as hell don't know what boats are called anymore, or after some mystic woman, or normal woman, she could be homely for all I know, but she's good enough to be commemorated and rock along the seas of blue and green to be this boat's name right? I mean, that's pretty special. I'd take a boat named after me. Even if it sinks. I mean, seriously wasn't the Titanic like a Greek god, the only Greeks I know are gods, or made them, made them up, in ancient Greece right?

I mean, they're not clowning around that nonsense now are they? The current Greek people – people of Greek origin who populate Athens, right? They're over there whether they want to be or not! They are where they have been some of them a while ago, some of them a long, long time ago, far away...

JOEY: "No they're in Athens, dummy! They're not that far away."

Well, where are these Grecian-urned inspired Keats, that John poet died of opium right? I bet you he did! They were all doing it those days, are you crazy! The goddamn god loving, ancient god loving, home fried chicken and potatoes, I never saw a home fried potato, I've only experienced the sensual taste of home fried chicken or barbeque or grilled – Ya know what those barbecued grilled home loving Charlotte Web spun freaks over there in ancient Greece are doing right now?! They're fucked up, are you kidding me? Don't tell me you haven't got this! You are a productive and hopefully good or well to fair contributor of this society! I mean I hope. Who are you anyway, really? You're a teacher right?

TEACHER: "Yes, I am a teacher. I am as I said I am, which was first spoken by the Lord. Not any of this ancient Greek tribal country fried yams, who are loving, but not fun loving..."

JOEY: "Greeks? Have we talked about the Greeks?"

PSYCHIATRIST: "Yes, you have mentioned them a fair amount in this conversation already."

JOEY: "Ok..."


JOEY: "I didn't offend any of them, right?"

PSYCHIATRIST: "Not me to judge. I can only indicate by what you've said and the expression and the sigh which accompanied it almost like tandemly?"

Is that it? Tamden? Ok tamdem. Are you kidding me man! I had the word, it is my word, it formed in my own brain and this fucking computer, Word Absurd 2007, the last time I was in fucking grad school...


PSYCHIATRIST: "You said you went to 2 grad schools."

JOEY: "What, now?"

PSYCHIATRIST: "Just now" (awkward smile as if it will suddenly overwhelm his face and eat his head off!)

JOEY: "Well, I'm not sure as hell going to 2 grad schools again, certainly not at the same time, and certainly how I handled or mishandled the first one. Did I tell you that damn program for children with special needs?"

PSYCHIATRIST: "Yes and no."

JOEY: "Ok... what? What are you indicating, man?!"

PSYCHIATRIST: "I've heard some pros and cons about it, let's just say that."

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