Chapter 9 Antipsychotic

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Talking to a crowd in my head / feeling special & feeling dead / you followed me along a dark road / I saw the hoary toad Jim sang about / some kinda murderer on the road / brain swerving like a toad / never understood that lyric, still trying to figure it out / got a lot of brains but still have my doubts / there's a lot of pain what's it all about? / I'm not really working that hard but I guess my mom worries about me / see she was or still is what she was but never will be / she was a nurse and she worked hard to feed me / I breathe because of her heart that is dark in cavernous shadows within / there's a lot of sin in the world where do we begin?

Don't know if you notice my style is changing / is it DNA rearranging or evolution sayin' hey Joe stop explaining / god got you covered he set you with some genetic magic we know lots about / but great magicians have their tricks and they are spectacular like Elvis shaking his hips / the king is me the king is you don't matter black or matter jew / brain splatter on the pavement and I just want out / seriously this is fun don't worry about me / I gots a gun am having fun perpetually / just dancing with the language in my head still figuring it out....

It is a dream we know that now so when can we wake up?

I don't get it friend can you cleanse my sin by talkin' it out?

Got so much hate in my heart it's so dark and I want to kill everyone

But I don't want to see the blood and gore of my deeds / is that what we cast murderers for in the place of Macbeth? / 'cause that guy couldn't face his pain in the face of a vanity so he killed the king, even the three witches said he had it in the bag, it was his destiny / he took a dagger he saw before him illusory / he asked the dagger

King and I was a musical, never saw it but it was another connection a cheap trick redirected / I know not why I have erections but no more since I've figured it out / if this is mania I'll take it any day, but I ain't no hero in any way / I just take my cues like a good actor and do what I do / the best director is god 'cause he directed Shakespeare in so many ways / there's so much beauty in the world it gets quiet for days

I hope you like my rhymes but I think I use them too much, but I don't know what else to do right so why let em go / can you hear the rhythm in my head I really don't know / btw I'm sober now and sound still kinda funny / been sober for 'bout 12 hours / edibles lasted maybe 2 but that was half a day ago / I gotta beer but have no fear I only drank about half the can / I think I'm figuring out addiction in a brand new way / or is that the crazy brain just sayin get outta my way? / I'm the brain you're the pain body Eckhart figured it out / with his little friend, though I shouldn't call her little, nor friend, 'cause she's bigger than all art and all I can encompass in my heart / her name is Oprah and she ain't no Madonna but I love them in different ways / one's a mysterious girl or glamour girl or vogue / and Oprah just does it in a different way / I love my heroes I need them so badly I hope I can talk to them one day, but if I can just see them on TV I'll take 'em anyway I can get 'em 'cause America says that's the American way / you work real hard especially in NY and then someone bumps into you and you say, "Outta my way! / What's a bum got to do with anyone these days?"

Ya see so many in one way / different men and different women in the same beds reading writing typing texting sex don't rhyme well but didn't want to say sexing, didn't sound right but I think its sexting / does it matter? It's dirty sex and we shouldn't be fucking over our phones just 'cause it's easier to do now a days / kids are abducted we just hear What but little Why, what's up with dat? / why is Hannibal Lector more popular nowadays than that other fellow general was it what the fuck's his name? French? Napoleon / fuck / I / don't .... LOOK BACK...

To the future 'cause Marty Mcfly he really could fly and either the Mc is for what Biff calls him an "Irish bug" or the Mc is for Mc Donald's, but that's like Roy Crock and Hanks again / strange how Tom keeps showing up like he's got nothing to do than be retarded and be a space man too / he walked the moon found no cheese just doodles to eat, contracted a disease or two

Like the concept of eternity but who plans to live through all that? / where does it end if it begins and I don't really know / it's so weird to hear this rhythm in my head / don't need no instrument / just words and my Acer laptop / it's lasted 9 years can you believe it and has never conked out / 'specially while I'm writing 'cause could you imagine if I lost any of this shit I'd freak the fuck out / but now it's late and I'm tired of figuring it out / I want to rest in a grave but not by anyone else's way / I ain't a slave never plan to be but ya know society rocks like a boat but the boat ain't named after me / I get the stormy rocky seas / but the sleep...

Just lost the rhyme, or rhythm, did words run out, or was it the rhythm? Which came first the guitar or the man who played it? / may never know 'cause a man had to put the strings on the guitar first, but we're in a Uni-Verse so figure that one out / I play through time and space and feel so free / but this is you and me and we're having fun / maybe you can read me in your bed, in your head like the Sandman of Metallica's song / kid sleeps with one eye open / boogey man or something to that effect very good song

Iron Maiden is my favorite & can't believe I didn't think to mention them earlier / they're an amazing band just listen to these titles: The Number of the Beast, Wasted Years, Quest for Fire / some other stuff didn't say enough, their tunes run through my head, like Powerslave, Bruce Dickinson sings like an opera star he's really that good, he's manic too I think 'cause his lyrics are so fast he wrote Powerslave which is amazing 'bout some Egyptian back in the day made a slave in a gold pyramid chained and hiding thinking thoughts of the devil even before Egypt believed in him too / Dickinson, and what's his name / can't think of that other guy / think he is strumming his bass in my heart / a darker place never came to light till he took the stage and saw my sight / day trippers of course penny farthington or Penny Lane, right see I'm figuring it out

But this is a tap dance but still don't get how that Robin Hood guy Flynn was such a hero but alcoholic too / said he was a gambler & womanizer and ruined his life / saw his poster the other day at the laundromat, 100 year old movie / what's Errol Flynn Robin Hood drunk doin' at my fuckin' laundromat? / get lost you're just like my dad / you stole from my heart and gave to yours / but yours is not pure / well it's rotten now and you can rot in hell

Love you dad, I really do, but fuck what a miscue.

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