Chapter 10 How Many Experiences Do Ya Gotta Experience to Figure Out You're You?

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I hope to learn to love you, I really do. I took the edibles like 11 minutes ago. I don't get it. It's fast right? 11 minutes, 20mg THC chocolate-covered coffee beans and WTF?

Phew! This is hitting me hard. But so far the words are fine, right? Why can I write and look back? Weird, right? How do I know what I am doing is right, right? I am seriously glancing at the screen occasionally, hell a lot, huh? I see the words as I'm writing them, but they are not getting in the way, right?

Totally natural wording, right? Wow, I am saying right a lot, right?


Who am I trying to convince?

Totally cool.

I don't need to rhyme Jew with shit anymore. Sick of the word Jew.

Sylvia Plath? Heard of her? Weird, right? Her writing is like shattered glass. Not my opinion necessarily, some critic in London where she was. Killed her kids. I'm sorry, she killed herself with her kids upstairs, like maybe 1 & 3 yr olds, sleeping in their beds, right, and she fucking writes herself to death. She does. She's really weird. I mean, why would you kill yourself with your kids upstairs sleeping and she gets a Pulitzer for the stuff she writes while she's doing it, right? Huh?

I mean, I guess Ariel is brilliant but really I hate it. She rhymes Jew with black shoe or something it's weird, but she's not a Jew, right? That's cool, I say nigga cool sometimes, but I really don't like that stuff for long, at least not all the time.

Cool by design she was raised I am thinking like North East, Massachusetts where I guess it's more sophisticated there. Funny word sophisticated, right, to describe like a state or city? Who cares, Boston, who cares? They are just names, they're just names. I have been to what 6 states, been through 10 who cares? Where you been? People get such a trip outta travelling right? I guess it's fun. Never wanted to travel much, don't know why.

Like, what do you do you get on a bus, and like just travel cross country, for what?

Funny, right? I sound funny. WTF? Who the fuck travels!

It's travelling Joe.

You again.

It's a conversation a persuasion.

And you are converting me to a guy who converses, right, like on a regular basis.


I am JEW

You tripping...

It's ok.

Time and space defy this place, like my poetry to rhyme, that is what this is all about.


So your mother Joe.

They were really nice dogs I really don't know. I don't know what I did to the dogs.

The husky.

She was beautiful. Rainie, fuck can't even spell her name right. Can you give dogs like last names?

Wouldn't that be funny right? Raini, GDMNIT! Ok.

Bruno, the golden retriever. What she would name him right?

Bruno Sanders? For a dog. Fuck it there's some Brunos out there right? That guy who sings a loot.

Fuck it.

I associate myself with wealth but don't have a penny to my name and my name don't have much commodity these days when I found out my dad changed it

It's cool they did that with the slaves.

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