staring contest

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author's pov

vridha had just woken up as she again threw her alarm clock on the wall resulting to another dent on it , vridha never enjoyed waking up early she was totally meant for the moon , the nightlife fascinated her , groaning for the millionth time as her phone rang indicating it was a call from her secretary she knew it was her cue to wake up

"fuck mornings , subha jaldi uthne mae konsa good nazar aata logo ko ye hi nahi samjhta"
(fuck mornings, idk what good people find in waking up early)

her eyes fell upon the mirror nearby and she gazed at herself fondly , narcissistic much you think but it was just another belief dropped on her since childhood that her day depends upon the person she looks at first thing in the morning and even though now she lived alone she had opted the habit of looking at herself knowing how good or bad her day goes she will just accept it

getting herself dressed she rushed towards her car driving towards her company

getting herself dressed she rushed towards her car driving towards her company

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(her outfit)


vridha had to attend a business party of  amit singh rajput's grandson , even though people thought of them as business acquaintances but amit acted as vridha's father figure who fulfilled the empty spaces her father could never fulfill , they met eachother when vridha had just started her own company and had a mental breakdown in front of god while amit was present in the mandir and from that time onwards their bond was inseparable , only amit knew the struggles vridha had to phase her whole childhood

vridha's pov

i drank a sip of the red wine i was holding while looking at people around me acting all happy as if they didn't want to kill eachother at that moment , i was sitting at my table alone as always even though all the eyes were on me , why won't they be i am VRIDHA MALHOTRA afterall , bored by all the fake smiles my eyes landed on him

black tuxedo , dove cufflinks and cold eyes , he had a body of a greek god i wonder what would the underneath of the white shirt look like

busy in my thoughts he caught me staring at him and a smirk appeared on my face still looking at him precisely pleasing my eyes

busy in my thoughts he caught me staring at him and a smirk appeared on my face still looking at him precisely pleasing my eyes

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(her outfit)

as our eyes held a staring contest , none of them blinking away from eachother i raised my glass looking at him , as a toast while he responded with the same , the smirks never left our face

"young lady may i have this dance" a voice broke my thoughts as i looked behind to see a young man probably in his late 20s standing with his hand forward

"sure gentleman" i said with a small smile , everyone quaked at the scene in front of them as it was rare i ever agreed to dance with someone

before he could land his hands on my waist another hand pulled me apart from him making people gasp at the scene

abhimaan's pov

launching my most awaited hotel overseas i had taken "rajput & co" to the next level , dadu had finally persuaded me to host one of those cliche parties saying he wanted me to meet someone , my eyes boringly roamed  around the room as i finally excused myself from another business man trying to act all nice infront of me , thinking i might help him
in his dreams

a pair of hazel eyes made me halt , she looked beautiful in that black dress , i obviously knew her she was THE VRIDHA MALHOTRA  , her face was everywhere , everyone was curious about what next move she will play

as i was busy staring at her she raised her glass smirking , bold i see
before i could comprehend a man made her break the eye contest and i never had this urge to kill someone this quickly

i went towards her and gently pulled her apart from him before he could place his filthy hands on MY WOMAN

"take your hands off me"


i hope yall enjoyed please comment down your thoughts and don't forget to vote

(you look so beautiful today , drink water)

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