jalwa , fashion ka hae ye jalwa.

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vridha's pov

reaching delhi my PA picked us up , everything felt so rushed that i didn't even have a moment to breathe the delhi air (pollution breathe karna hae didi ko 😭) as we had very limited time in our hands to get ready before the show

inaya was going to model and ritika was going to help the team out backstage , i couldn't be more proud of my girls

growing up one thing i missed was friendship , i was so into trying to make myself feel validated that i actually forgot to value friendships

marrying abhimaan was one of the best decisions i have ever made , he completed me , gave me a family that i always wanted , friends that actually love me without any jealousy and hatred towards each other , and myself

abhimaan brought back the girl who once dreamt of happy endings , whose heart was filled with hope , abhimaan brought back vridha , the one that was forgotten long ago

i wonder what he must be doing right now , it is so weird how i want to rush back to him , without caring about any events but i also want the time to stop cause i know i cannot make him wait more

once i go back rajasthan , it is final

either we fix us or break us apart and whatever the outcome might be i know one of us would always feel the void of changing the situation

i cannot let abhimaan feel the pain of regretting us , i cannot bare that but i cannot bare the pain of not being able to look him in the eyes every morning and wrap my arms around him after a tiring day

i am lost , lost between the choices of acting selfish and keep him no matter what or act selfless and let him find his peace

my outfit laid fully ironed on the bed as i came out of my shower thoughts to get ready for the evening

3 missed calls from ritika and 2 from inaya was my clue that they had already left before me and would meet me directly tonight

as i stood before the mirror, examining my reflection. wearing an embroidered red corset top and black trousers, a sense of incompleteness nagged at me. "Something is missing" I murmured to myself, feeling a need to add a touch of my own style to the outfit

heading to my suitcase , i took out my favourite black leather jacket and slipped it on, instantly feeling more like myself. The jacket added a subtle glam to the traditional attire.

returning to the mirror, i decided to leave my hair down, allowing the natural waviness to spread around my shoulders.

finally i reached for my jewellery box, knowing exactly what piece would complete the look. i fastened the double-layered gold chain around my neck, the shimmering metal adding a touch of elegance

satisfied with the final result I took one last look in the mirror, a confident smile playing at the corners of my lips with my outfit complete

itni sundar lag rahi hu kahi mujhe khud ki hi nazar na lag jaye

taking a quick picture so i could send it to maan with a small "looking like a meal , sucks you can't taste it" i took my clutch and rushed towards the door

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