little pieces

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anyways lis to darmiyaan by amnant ali for the vibes

and ek aur imp chiz i will reveal the truth like what actually happened when i hit 100k SO GO SHARE

author's pov

as they successfully managed to move out of the paparazzi's way , abhimaan sat inside vridha's car as atharv , reyansh and inaya were in the other car together

he kept on looking at everything else except her as he knew he wasn't ready to answer all those questions that were already raised without any conversation

he was worried that he might say something that could actually harm the finally growing bond , he just wanted things to be as it is cause expecting more will always result in heartbreaks

its funny how our brain creates questions itself and manages to answer them too making things and situations more complicated than they are , and the pause button for all these thoughts seem too far and your body isn't ready to get up and run towards it

all this while nothing except the slow sounds of rain drops accompanied their silence , her head filled with thoughts that wanted answers , she wanted to help just the way he did , she wanted him away from all the pain and moreover she wanted to tell him the truth .

she wanted to free herself from the guilt , but the fear of everything they had also ending if the truth is revealed ate her mind , once the truth is revealed isn't it all over? the marriage , the whole relationship that had no name , those undying feelings and those secret eye contacts

if abhimaan wanted he would've taken the whole company without the marriage thingy , but somewhere he wanted her again , he wanted her to ruin him again , knowing at the end she will be the one who will keep those broken pieces and those broken promises safe , he was ready to keep himself on stake

love is so crazy sometimes , it heals you but also breaks you , it makes you feel like you're the best in the world but there are times you feel like you're not worth any efforts .

love could be anything but all vridha wanted was the one that involved abhimaan.

"ask" his voice felt so deep and sore as he finally gave her a glance , grabbing the steering wheel tightly as her knuckles turned white , she finally stopped the car in the middle of the road not caring about anyone or anything

her eyes still stuck on the tightly clutched wheel as she hesitated to meet his eyes "you don't have to if you don't trust me yet , it is genuinely fine" her answer made him look at her shocked

is this what she thought? she thought he didn't trust her but he went out with her during that gun fire in the past? he let her still have the 50% of the company shares even though the coronation ceremony is in few days? she thought he didn't trust her but all this while all he did was to blindly follow whatever vridha wanted , whatever vridha felt comfortable in

it was always vridha vridha vridha everywhere in his world , but she still failed to notice

sometimes words are needed to calm down the words in other person's head

without any further words he just unbuckled his seatbelt and went out of the car , drenching himself in the rain as he walked towards her side and pulled her out

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