first convo

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author's pov

a gasp left everyone's mouth as the two most powerful people were now in the middle of the room while his hand was on her waist

"take your hands off me" vridha whispered to abhimaan not wanting to create a scene
" i would like to steal my lady for awhile if you could excuse" ignoring vridha's warning gaze he said to the young man who awkwardly smiled and moved away

"i am not your lady , lil boy" she yanked his hand from her waist while shooting daggers at him , the proximity between them could fool anyone into thinking they had something going on

"abhimaan meet vridha malhotra the lady boss and a business tycoon" amit's voice echoed with pride as he introduced vridha to abhimaan

"its an honor to be recognised by the king himself" she chuckled shaking hands with amit who fondly smiled at her

"drop the formalities already beta and meet abhimaan my least fav grandson"

"daduuu" he kinda whined making vridha shocked a bit as she murmured "kid"

abhimaan's pov

she murmured something under her breath and forwarded her hand in front of me
"vridha , vridha malhotra"
"abhimaan singh rajput"

her hands were soft but her hold? it screamed power with a tight smile she tightened the hold kinda digging her nails on my palm which surely would've left slight marks

she was indeed beautiful now that i see her so close , her light freckles , long lashes and those plumpy lips which i just wanted to tear apart , she looked ethereal in that black gown oh how i wished to rip it apart

"abhimaan and vridha i need you two to meet me tomorrow in my office i would love to have a conversation with you two" with that said dadu left , he was unpredictable god knows kya khichdi pak rahi hae abh inke dimag mae

author's pov

the only person that scared abhimaan was his dadu , his utter respect towards the old soul made him follow all the orders he received from him without thinking twice , he had a very loving family but the void of needing someone who would just listen to his weird thoughts instead of lecturing him was filled by his dadu.

but that one night changed everything in his life... the night he wished he could forget , the night where the innocent soul was broken into pieces and the remaining once made HIM

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what happened that night? and what is dadu planning? is it going to help abhimaan and vridha create a bond or will it just build another wall between them??

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