cigarettes after sex

14.4K 720 151

happy 75.5K 🤍

bhai i am writing a smut after veryyyyy long so idk kaisa hae 😭

100K before 2023 ends?????

author's pov

he looked in her eyes that shared pain , hurt , love and most of all guilt , she felt guilty of hurting him and he felt guilty for making her feel hurt

people say everything should be 50:50 in life but they were each others 70:30 , 100:100 , 20:80

when one wasn't capable of loving other enough they always made sure to balance it out by loving the other enough for both of them

they sat quietly , letting the rain melt into their body as their hands held eachother tightly , "someone in me died that day vridha i cant be the same anymore , those peices?they are long lost"

giving him an glance vridha left his hand and sat straight bringing his face closer to hers , as their lips almost touched she said "you will maan , you will chahe khud ka dil tod kar bhi tumhara jodna padhe toh bhi raazi hu , i will always save you maan"

and they finally kissed

pulling him closer to her as his hands were now wrapped around her waist , the kiss held pain , it was not like one of those romantic kisses people have , theirs had mystery , pain , guilt , betrayal but most of all it had love

pulling apart as they were out of breath he grabbed a strand of hair stuck on her face and pushed it behind her ear with a smile , "i think i love the rain too"

his fingers gently touched the corner of her lips as both of their eyes were caught staring at each other , he pulled her closer as now she was on his lap , her hands easily wrapped around his hair as nothing except the sound of rain and their intensified breathing could be heard

"why do you smell so good" he inhaled her scent , placing his lips on her neck as he left small kisses all over , making her breath hitched abhimaan continued "its making me feel things i shouldn't"

his hands smoothly slid under her dress as she tightly wrapped hers around abhimaan's hair "just know i fucking hate you" she said she hates him , pretends to do the same but look at her rn a fucking moaning mess by just a mere touch of his

he smirked "your hitching breath doesn't agree" unbuttoning her pants as his lips found hers again , teasing her clit as he circled around it making her impatient "just fucking slide in , will you?"

her impatient words made him laugh as he pushed his tongue inside her mouth , fighting for dominance making her moan , "next time mention what you want me to slide in and precisely where"

rubbing herself on his thighs , trying to find some friction as abhimaan kept on just teasing her , she smirked as now it was his turn to suffer , "you do realise we are in the middle of the road right?"

she just chuckled as now his hands rested on her thighs , kissing his neck making sure to leave marks , she rubbed her ass right on top of his erection "should've realised that when you teased me mr. rajput"

her hands found their way towards his zipper , sliding it down as this whole time he let her dominate her "enough of acting like the one in control okay babygirl?" the way she called him babygirl would've pissed him but rn man was definitely too intoxicated by her to notice anything

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