i will always save you too

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the next chapter will be uploaded on stck (itll be paid) before i post it on wattpad so don't forget to follow me there


abhimaan's pov

i came back to an empty house , where i was left all alone , AGAIN.

vridha would arrive late night tomorrow and the rest of the family weren't going to be home until morning either , leaving me with my thoughts in a 3 store mansion

obviously the house-helps and the chefs were still here but their residence is behind the mansion so technically i was alone

after attending the meeting i had decided to come home early and rest because i wasn't feeling well , my body felt like i was stuck between ice and couldn't move at all but also as if i was getting fried in extremely hot oil at the same time

i knew i had fever but i didn't feel like bothering anyone by making them worried

running the water in the bathtub i went back to the closet to find myself a pair of clothes

i was going to relax and probably would drown in the hot water instead of drowning myself in this thick air

i missed vridha , even though i knew its just a matter of few hours and she'd be back home something in my heart kept on making me feel worried

the tightness in my chest was surely indicating a storm , is she okay?

grabbing my phone from the table i decided to give her a call or maybe a text would be okay as she must be still busy

before i could open the contacts , the screen turned black , no matter how long i tried to press the power button a stupid ass logo wouldn't pop up

my phone died


i just wanted to throw the phone across the room but it was full mirrored and if vridha finds out that i broke one of her priced possession HER MIRRORS she would unalive me and probably would feed me to the street dogs even though she despises animals the most

trying to find a charger only to realise i forgot it in my cabin just added up to my pent up frustrations

kya fayda tha charger office lekar jaane ka jabh phone ko marna hi hae sahi time par

banging my phone on the table i decided only a glass of whiskey could fix this shit and ill think about everything else later

i knew my fever kept on rising and drinking when you're burning from head to toe is not the best choice one could make but i needed this

taking out a knob creek whiskey bottle from the bar counter on our floor , i tried to find some ice only to realise that the tray is empty

what a great day to be alive isn't it?

skipping down the stairs i walked towards the pitch dark kitchen , trying to fish out how to turn on the lights

"raja sa"

the lights automatically turned on making me scrunch my eyes

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