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author's pov

dadu smiled looking at the young man coming down from the stairs "kuch ulta sidha mat karna" he sternly said making abhimaan look at him as if he couldn't believe what his dadu just said touching his feet he left to go pick up his lil pataka

dadu knew blackmailing them wasn't the option but he wanted the best for both of them , he knew vridha and how much that poor girl had to go through she needed someone to hold onto , someone who won't pity her and abhimaan was the perfect match

after that one night abhimaan had closed off his feelings for everyone and if someone could bring his dull life a ray of brightness , it would be vridha

abhimaan's pov

i knew she would trouble me by leaving the office early so i just directly went to her penthouse knowing she'd be there , if vridha thinks shes smart i am no less

sitting in the living room with tulips in my hands as dadu told me to get her flowers i saw her coming towards me , she wore cream pants and black top , her coat hanging on her arms as she was carrying her heels walking barefoot around the house , she looked gorgeous

rolling her eyes at me she gazed at the tulips which brought a smile at her face , she should smile often it suits her and if tulips made her smile i will get it for her whenever we meet

"i told you i will think about it , mene haa nahi bola tha janab" (i didn't say yes) she said trying to wear her heels but she couldn't do something with those straps

keeping the tulips at the table i made her sit on the sofa , gently raising her legs i helped her with the heels , what is wrong with me , why am i doing all this?
do i need therapy? yes you do
wtf who are you? and shut up
i am just your inner voice
whatever abh chup

"hello to you too jaan"
"kitni baar bolu mae tumhari jaan nahi hu" she said again rolling her eyes and the thoughts of her doing this underneath me made my lil junior a little too excited
"jaan nahi par jaan leva toh ho hi"

she stood up giving herself one glance at the window that reflected her image she went towards the door
"magic word?" i honestly didn't want her thank you but i didn't want to miss any chance to listen to her voice "mene nahi bola tha karke do" (i didn't ask you to do it)

vridha's pov

as his hands were tying the straps of my heels it made me feel tingles around my body , the way his fingers brushed on my skin as i could see his veins popping due to the rolled up sleeves , i gazed at his face , now that i see closely he has a small scar near his neck i wonder what caused that , but it looked perfect around him as if it was just a part of him even his scar was perfect

ye sabh kya soch rahi hu mae hey bhagwan (what am i thinking oh god) i noticed he was done so i stood up and went towards the door as he followed me with the flowers in his hands

walking towards his car he opened the door for me that made me look at him "didn't know you were a gentleman rajput" he pinned me to the car frame as his hands perfectly fit around my waist as if they were meant to be "i am a lot more malhotra tum batane ka mauka do tabh na"

i rolled my eyes at his cheesy lines ignoring that it made my heart beat a lot faster when i heard him say my surname, i hated my surname but listening to him say that i kinda lov- no wait no i hate it yes i hate it

pushing him slightly i sat inside absolutely ignoring him which made him chuckle, god its so melodious i could just listen to him do that everyday without getting bored

the car ride was quiet i clicked some photos of the flowers with me while occasionally gazing at his hands on the steering wheel with lana del rey's sad girl played in the background , it would've been a perfect drive date agar voh abhimaan ke saath na hoti (if it wouldn't have been with him)

reaching a 5 star restaurant again he opened the door for me , pulling out his hand for me to hold which i gladly accepted, why act like a bitch if he's acting nice no? all this while no conversations were held between us but the silence didn't suffocate me

author's pov

abhimaan pulled out a chair for her and then proceeded to take his "what would you like to eat" he said while his eyes roamed around the menu "is this a date?" she asked making him look at her

he kept num making her repeat the sentence "i don't like repeating my words abhimaan tell me is this a date?" with gritted teeth she curiously waited for his answer "would you like to call it one? but in my opinion when i ask you out on a date it wont be this simple" he casually said while her heart was beating so fast she could practically feel it

"don't get too ahead of yourself i just asked cause i wanted you to be clear that i am not interested if its a date"

"if you say so mrs rajput"

chapter aesthetic:

chapter aesthetic:

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early update have fun

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early update have fun

how do you like the story so far? if you're waiting for drama so am i , just a bit more as i don't want to rush the start a lot

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