a buisness date?

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author's pov

"if you say so mrs rajput" he said making her gritt her teeth , mrs rajput unknowingly felt good to hear "not yet as far as i remember you never agreed right?"
"if i wouldn't have agreed toh aaj hum yaha nahi hote jaan" she rolled her eyes at the cheesy nickname he has been calling her , before she could reply their talks were interrupted by the waiter asking them their orders , and honestly she was glad cause or else this would've been hella awkward

"i want to marry you" abhimaan suddenly said breaking the ice making vridha choke on her spaghetti "you're out of your mind? who says it like this? gadha" (donkey) she coughed as he handed her a glass of water , getting up from his seat slightly patting her back , once he made sure she was okay he sat back

"a contract marriage precisely , we marry and act like a loving couple in front of everyone and as soon as i get the shares under my name we can file a divorce" putting forward the already prepared contract he said

listening to his words she kind of felt a bit hurt , was she not even worth a chance? shrugging away the thoughts that were surely going to eat her brains out at night she took the papers from his hands

carefully looking at the contract reading the pros and cons vridha was still silent making him think he messed up
"pagal kahika abh agar ye dadu ke pass gayi contract ke saath toh company gayi haath se" he thought

"what do i gain in this tho? yk mr rajput i am a true businesswoman i would never sign a deal if i am not profitable" her business mode voice broke his trance of thoughts as he slightly chuckled cause he definitely expected this

"ofc and i wouldn't be a true businessman if i let you sign a deal with only one sided profitability , so tell me mrs rajput what would you like" taking a sip of the expensive white wine he looked at her in the eyes trying to elaborate what they were saying

"i want 30% of the shares of your company under my name permanently and i will transfer you the rest 20% after we file for the divorce that is after your coronation ceremony" vridha indeed never failed to surprise him , she knew what she wanted and never hesitated to ask for her share

"anything except the company vridha , dont forget the main reason i am stuck in this shit is just because of the company and my throne"

"its no fun if you get all the gains don't you think so? and another thing i want you to go down on your knees and ask me with those magic words to help you out" smirking a little she stated her sentence which made him look at her astonished

"abhimaan singh rajput ne na aaj tak kisi ke saamne sar jukhaya hae na hi kabhi jhukayega"
(abhimaan singh rajput has never bowed his head in front of anyone and never will)

"looks like as your rightful wife as stated in the contract i should focus on my wife duties starting with how to make you beg on your knees for me"

he just wanted to punch her atp and looking at the hatred in both of their eyes the feelings looked mutual , nobody said anything as they minded their own business without even glancing at each other

"lets split i don't like feeling indebted to someone" vridha finally said forwarding her card as she stared at him boringly

"i asked you out for dinner so its my duty to pay" he slightly pushed her card aside with his as he looked at the waiter , waiting for him to swipe it

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