The Fall

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I wake up around 3 am. I open one eye and my vision was still blurry. I look to see Jack cleaning a shiny object.
"Jack." I whisper. He turns his head quickly, covering the object.
"Haven, baby. Go back to sleep." Jack says softly, running his hand through his hair. I sit up then stand up, walking to him. After moving his hand, I gasp.
"I.. I thought." I stutter, taking a step away.
"Haven, look." He lifts the gun in the air with his other hand up. "You're fine, we are fine." He reminds me.
I shake my head. Jack takes a quick step towards me and runs the front of the gun down my face.
"I'll teach you how to never be scared of it." He whispers. He pulls the trigger once the gun was near my neck. I close my eyes and hold back a scream when all the gun did was make a click sound.
he deeply chuckles at my reaction.
"You're good girl." Jack says softly, kissing my forehead.
I roll my eyes, pushing him backwards.
"What the fuck!" I yell. "You can't be doing that shit."
Jack grabs my face and kisses me roughly.
"No bullets in it because I'm cleaning it. I'm sorry love, I'm just playing with you. Go to bed, I'll be there in a sec." He lightly pushes me towards the bed. I lay back down before sighing and falling asleep.
I wake up the next morning around 9am and start to get ready for class at 11. I change into a pair of jean shorts and a v neck. I straighten my blonde hair and put on makeup. Jack wakes up halfway while I'm getting ready.
"Hey." He says, kissing my temple. I don't reply, putting on concealer.
"Stop." Jack says, grabbing the bottle from my hand. I turn from the mirror and look at him.
"I'm pissed." I mumble.
"It was a joke." He rubs his eyes.
"You were high, weren't you?"
"Slightly." He bites his lip.
"You could of shot me." I say loudly, running my hands through my hair. He pulls my hands away.
"I would never hurt you." Jack says in a low voice. "You know I would never hurt you."
I nod, turning away and finishing up my makeup.
"I have class. Bye." I say.
Jack tugs on my shirt, keeping me near him. "Shirt, gotta go or shorts gotta go."
"You need to change your shirt or shorts or both. Both would be hella a lot better."
I roll my eyes, changing into a university tee. I grab my keys and slide on my sandals.
"Later baby." Jack yells while I leave.
I go to class and finish up the classwork quickly. After, I walk down the street to dunkin donuts. I get a call while I'm waiting for my iced coffee.
"Babe? I have this thing tonight. And you have to bring a date."
"Would you mind going with me?" Jack ask, sounding nervous.
"Of course. I'm at Dunkin Donuts right now, I'm coming over in a sec."
"Yeah, just meet me at your apartment. Bye."
"Later." I hung up and take my coffee to go.
I jump in my car and drive off to my apartment. Jack was already there, sitting outside my door.
"My key. I lost it." He mumbles, standing up. I nod and he leans in for a kiss. I peck his lips and open the door.
"I'm sorry for last night. Are you still mad?" He ask quickly. I drop my bag on the ground.
"I'm not mad." I whisper, shaking my head.
"Okay." He kisses my forehead. "I have this little ball, dance, thing I forgot about. I have to bring a date and who wouldn't be better than your gorgeous self." He chuckles. "It's black and white attire."
"Okay." I mumble and start to think. "I have this one dress. Come here." I pull Jack towards my room to my closet. I take out a long white dress and hold it up.
"Mhm?" I mutter, flattening out the plastic it was wrapped in.
"Haven, that would be gorgeous on you." Jack exclaims. I smile and thank him.
"Okay what time are you picking me up?" I ask.
"Okay, go home and call me later." I say, pushing him towards my front door.
"What? Okay, bye babe."
I lounge around for a couple hours then go to store around 3 to get makeup and some other things.
I take a long shower and then start working on my hair in only my bra and underwear. I straighten then curl the ends of my hair to give a little volume to it.
I, then, move to makeup. I use dark eyeshadow and eye liner. Adding mascara, foundation, and lipstick carefully.
At 6:30, I slip in my dress and heels. I find a cute handbag and place some stuff in it with my phone after texting Jack that I'm ready.
He knocks on my door and I open it, seeing Jack wearing a full tuxedo with his hair done nicely and perfect. He was chewing on his bottom lip so when he gasped because of what I look like, his bottom lip was puffy.
"Wow, you look, wow. Stunning." He stutters, grabbing my hand.
"Thank you, you look good." I smile, kissing his cheek.
He grins, bringing me to an all black car with a personal driver
We arrive in front of a mansion, greeted by friendly faces.
"Who is this even for?" I whisper in Jack's ear as we walk to the front door.
"You know I'm in a little gang, this is our rival gang leader's house. He's having a little gathering for running his gang for 25 years now. I'm just here to spy because he haven't met me yet." Jack explains softly, keeping his arm tight around my waist. I nod. We were late and I hit Jack slightly as we walk down steps to the party. The party had an attendance of about 50 people. The first room was decorated in black and white things and lights. It was gorgeous. Nobody really noticed as Jack eyeballs the whole room.
"About 8-10 cameras in the first hall." He mumbles, typing in his phone. He sends the text and moves with me to another room that was connected. The next room was more of a dinner hall and it had about 65 people roaming and eating. I smile as a couple people greet us. I pick up a glass of champagne from a butler and thank him.
"5." He whispers, sending another text.
Jack continues recording stuff about each room that was available. After a good hour of scouting out each room, we start to eat and then dance.
"Dance with me." Jack orders in my ear. I stand up and take his hand. He brings towards the middle and we start to slow dance to a slower song.
"I'm happy I can show you off like this." Jack chuckles, pulling me tight against him.
"Thank you for showing me off." I whisper. We continue to dance until the number of people decreased.
"Ready to go home?" I ask, fixing my hair.
"Yes ma'am." He kisses me lightly and we head out. As we walk out, a man and a lady were standing by the door saying good bye.
"I must take my lady back home. She's tired." Jack laughs lowly, speaking with an accent.
"Thank you for having us." I say quickly.
"Thank you for coming, come again." The lady says and the man says goodbye after laughing with Jack about something. I follow Jack out to the car.
"That was fun, you get everything you need?" I ask very quietly in Jack's ear. He nods and gets in the car after opening my door for me. I get in and he drives off.
"Where do you want to go?" He ask me.
"My apartment."
"Okay sir, can you take us to my apartment?" Jack tells the driver. The driver nods.
"What? But I said-" he cuts me off with a smirk and a laugh.
"You're mine for the night darling."
I roll my eyes, staying quiet.
He helps me off and thanks the driver. Jack opens the front door, closes it and then unzips my dress down in one swift movement.
"Fuck, I love how you are mine." He kisses my neck.
The night ended with me bent over his dining table and my moans echoing the spacey apartment.
1433 words is probably the most words I've written in this. Okay so importanto: I'm ending the lyric thing, it's kinda weird now that I'm thinking about it. But vote, follow, and comment; I love talking to you guys and seeing what you have to say

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