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"Okay, so if we don't send our usual shipment to United States on Friday. We would lose about half a mill?" Jack asks me, shaking his head.
We were laying in his king sized bed. I was sat up, looking over papers and he had his head on my lap, with a cigarette hanging out the corner of his mouth. I sigh, nodding. I pat his bare chest lightly, chewing on my lip.
"Shit, what if we.." He starts to say, holding his cigarette in between his fingers. "Haven, baby. What if we ship on Friday night. Meaning it would get to distributors Saturday night. How much money could I lose?" Jack runs his hand through his hair.
"Uh." I mutter, putting a few numbers into my cal on my phone. "About $25,000." I shrug.
"Mmm, I'll double next week or get it out faster next week." He suggests.
"Baby, you aren't the one making it. It's all up to the growers." I sigh, leaning against the bed.
"I fucking hate weed." Jack rolls his eyes, leaning up to kiss my lips lightly. I giggle, kissing him back.
"Everything is leaving tonight to go to the states except weed. What the fuck." He says pissed off.
"Chill." I whisper. "Numbers are delirious."
"I still gotta help take down that other gang." He adds, sitting up. Jack places his cigarette in the ashtray on the night stand.
"Shit, I got class." I say, looking over to see its almost 1pm.
"Alright baby, go. See you later Hav." Jack kisses me sloppy before grabbing his glasses from the night stand and looking at a few papers.
"Bye, text me later." I walk out and get into my car. I drive to the campus and walk quickly into class.
I get into class, sitting down to my friend, Justin.
"What did I miss?" I ask softly, listening to the professor.
"Nothing, you know how he talks about his weekend for the first part of Mondays?" Justin whispers back. I nod, writing down homework assignments.
After class, I walk out to see a note on my wind screen. I sigh, assuming it was a ticket.
'Shit.' I think. I open the note.
You're gorgeous and I'm upset you're with such a monster. Jack can't give you anything I can give you. Tell Jack, I know a few people inside his gang and that I know everything. XO
I read it a few times over and over, getting into my car. I drive back to Jack's apartment.
"Hey Jack?" I call, opening the front door.
"My room." He yells back. I walk in, seeing Jack was now sitting up on the bed with a few more papers on the bed.
"How was class, Haven?" He ask, looking down.
"I got a note on my car during class." I say softly, tossing it to him.
He reads it, I watch his eyes move to the left and then the right of the note. His fist clench up, placing it down.
"What the fuck?" Jack questions, calling someone on his phone. He lifts his finger, gesturing for me to come towards him. I sit down on his lap as he pulls me down, straddling his waist. He chews on his lip.
"Plan is trashed, burn the papers." He demands quickly. "I need you, Mason, Jack J, and Cameron tonight, at my apartment around 7." He kisses me roughly as the man talks.
"Just do it, I'll explain tonight." He hangs up, kissing my neck.
"Jack, what are you going to do?" I ask, feeling his lips slide down to my collarbones.
"New plan, but I'll let a handful of people I trust be apart of it." He mumbles, moving his face back in front of mine. I nod, chewing on my lip.
"Listen, don't let the note scare you." He grabs my chin so my eyes remain on him. "You're mine and i won't let a thing happen to you. He doesn't even know we were inside of his co-boss' home." He mentions.
I nod. "The initials look hella familiar." I whisper. "Have you seen him before?" I ask.
Jack shakes his head. "No, but he goes by Brandon but his real name is Luke. Luke Smith."
I cover my mouth with my hands as Jack's hands move to the sides of my face.
"No fucking way." I say loudly.
"What, baby?"
"It's Luke. My ex Luke!" I connect the dots quickly. "It's him. His full name is Luke Brandon Smith."
I have a quick flash back, back when we were dating.
I was wearing Luke's button up and spandex underneath. My hair was messily braided as I open Luke's front door around 1am.
"Yes?" I ask lazily.
"Hi, sorry. I'm looking for Brandon. Is he around?" The man was wearing all black and his chest looked padded not muscular. It was obviously he had a weapon or two on his sides.
"Uh, I don't know of a Brandon." I say back, looking confused. "Is everything okay?"
"Everything is good, thank you love." I shut the door, going back to bed.
"What was wrong?" Luke ask, pulling me back into his chest.
"Some guy looking for a guy named Brandon."
"Describe what the guy looks like." Luke demands quickly.
"Tall, blonde hair with light blue eyes. I think he had a gun." I mumble, closing my eyes.
"Alright baby, I'll be back." Luke gets up and leaves. I drift back to bed.
I explain the flashback quickly to Jack.
"Holy shit, you have to take down my exe's gang." I say. Jack nods, lifting my chin again.
"Yeah, but now we have you as our advantage."

The few guys come over for the "'meeting." I greet all of them, and making friends with them easily.
"Look I get it Mase." Jack says, rubbing his face with his hands. "But if we get Haven to go back into his life. Then it would be easier."
Mason sighs and nods. Cameron and Jack J look over at me and then nod.
"Then it's settled, we start by introducing Haven back into Luke's life. He would get a little sketched out at first but she would reassured. From there, he would trust her again and he would give her information. Then we have everything we need and we can kill him easy." Jack explains the plan shortly. I nod, taking a breath.
"You got it baby girl." He mumbles into my ear.

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