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It has been two weeks since I saw Jack that night he came over, coming down from his high. We've been texting a lot lately since he was in the states for a bit.
"Hav." Luke mumbles.
We were laying on the couch watching some comedy movie while I was texting Jack.
9:29pm [from jack:] I really want you
"What?" I say back to Luke softly.
"Why won't you let me fuck you anymore." Luke says bluntly.
"I'm tired right now." I say back, looking away. He groans, looking back at the movie.
9:32pm [to Jack:] he tryna to fuck me tonight
9:33pm [from Jack:] I could name a lot of things any other man won't do for you, I do for you. Just be with me. Don't let him touch you or I swear I'll fly back asap.
9:37pm [to Jack:] I won't x
9:40pm [from Jack:] alright baby girl xo
Every time Luke tried to make a move, i would move away and continue to text Jack.
"Haven, fuck come on." Luke begs practically. I roll my eyes, shaking my head.
10:05pm [from Jack:] who do you fuck in the city when I'm not there?
10:06pm [To Jack:] nobody!
10:08pm [from Jack:] better not
"Whatever." He scowls, leaving the living room. He walks into his bedroom, slamming the door.
"You're so childish." I yell at him, grabbing my coat.
"Fuck off Haven."
I leave without another word, getting into my car quickly. I call Jack.
"Yeah baby?" He says back in a sleepy voice.
"We just fought."
"Because I didn't want to have sex." I mumble, taking a quick turn towards my apartment.
"I'm coming back tomorrow."
"But you have another half a week or so."
"What's more important."
"Your job" I mumble, parking my car.
"No. You are. I'll see you in a couple hours babe." He hangs up without me replying, which is a horrible habit he has. I unlock my apartment door and fall asleep quickly in my room.
"Baby girl." I hear quietly.
"Shh." I mumble, rolling onto my back.
"Haven." A deep voice groans.
I open my eyes to see a pair of familiar eyes in front of mine.
"Hi." I whisper, moving my hair out of my face.
"Hey." He leaves a light kiss on my forehead while i sit up.
"How did you get in?" I ask, standing up and pulling on sweats over my boyshort underwear I usually wear to bed.
"Door was unlocked, start locking it baby." He wraps his strong arms around my waist, leading me out to the kitchen.
"That takes time."
"I need you safe." He rolls his eyes playfully, kissing my neck.
I nod, moving out Jack's arms to start making breakfast.
"Are you okay?" He ask after I started on the eggs and toast.
"Yeah." I nod. "He's just annoying."
"End it with him." Jack says. The anger in his voice tried unsuccessfully to be hidden.
There's something with Luke that I want to keep, that Luke wouldn't and won't hurt me. The fact Jack has a bad past with girls influences me greatly on why I haven't broken up with Luke. Luke's perfect but Jack's better. But then again, Luke won't hurt me but Jack could.
"Hav?" Jack ask, pulling me out of my feelings.
"Sorry." I mumble a quick apology, making a plate for Jack and I.
"Thanks baby, you okay?" He ask after I hand him his plate. I nod, kissing his cheek.
"I got a deal around noon." He says after I sat in front of him.
We eat while he talks a little about California and the rest of United States.
We clear our plates and I sit down on the couch. He doesn't sit down but stands over me.
"We need to talk when I get back." He says, lifting my chin so I'm looking at him.
"I have work at 3." I mumble.
"Then later, tonight. Call me later. Bye Haven." He kisses hard before leaving.

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