Chapter 1

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Kiara was out on a early morning walk as she was trying to clear her head so she could finally get the courage to tell Kovu some big news. While out on a walk she heard a commotion coming from the nearby Zebra territory and so she ran to investigate making sure to be quiet as to not spook whatever was disturbing them. As she approached she managed to pick up the distinct scent of a Lion meaning someone had entered the Pride Lands. As she kept going and finally was able to see the scene her eyes widened as she saw her brother take down an elderly zebra before he began to take it away. "What the, oh no, where the heck does he think he's going." She said sternly as she took off running after him however somehow despite lugging a dead elderly zebra Kion somehow managed to lose Kiara but thanks to said Zebra she was able to track him through the Outlands to the Volcano. "Okay now I'm confused why would he come here?" She asked herself as she approached however before she could enter the passageway into the Volcano two black panthers lunged blocking her way. "Who are you?!" Growled the first one as they both were crossing making it so any slip through was impossible. "I am Princess Kiara, soon to be Queen Kiara of the Pride Lands and a mediator for all those who live in the Outlands." She said as she looked at these panthers. "Kiara huh, we've heard about you, wait right there." Said one of the two as she ran into the tunnel system of the volcano.

Kiara didn't understand how these panthers knew her or why they were living out here because from what she remembered Panthers loved cool shady places and while the Outlands had plenty of shady areas it wasn't exactly cool. After a while the female from before returned but this time she came with someone that made Kiara's jaw drop. "Heh, hey sis, it sure has been a while." Said Kion as he looked down at his older sister. "K-Kion, wow you've really grown up since last we met." She said smiling as she went in to hug him only for the guards to block her. "It's alright guys, Kiara won't hurt me." Said Kion. "Sorry Kion." They apologized as they backed down to his side allowing the siblings to have a reunion. "So what brings you out here so early Kiara?" Asked Kion. "You we're hunting in the Pride Lands and as the soon to be Queen I had to investigate why a lion who technically isn't part of the Pride at the moment was hunting there, but I take it you were hunting for these panthers?" She asked. "Yup, my pride doesn't consist of lions, I've made myself a pride of panthers." Said Kion smiling. "I see, well cool, but why sneak around, and why're you living here?" Asked Kiara. "We aren't, this is just a stand in until morning when we were going to enter the Pride Lands to surprise you all with the fact I'd returned." Said Kion smiling.

Kiara smiled back and nodded. "Mom and dad are going to be so happy you're back." She said smiling. Hearing the words mom and dad made him a little annoyed but he managed to hide this before she could see it. "So I'll uh head back to Pride Rock, and don't worry I won't spoil that you're home, I'll tell them I had stopped to talk to some of the Pride Landers who were up." She said before hugging Kion goodbye. As she left both Panther guards walked up. "Keep an eye on her, I know the Pridelands and Outlands are at peace but there could still be a few bad eggs out there." Said Kion. Both of them nodded and ran after Kiara to keep an eye on her from the shadows. After he sent them Kion walked back inside as the annoyance of his 'mom' and 'dad' flared up in him again.

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