Chapter 6

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That Night while everyone in the Pride Lands was sound asleep Jilena and Almasi were walking around through the shadows on a patrol of the lands to make sure they were safe. "I really hope we've finally lost those moronic ding bats." Said Jilena. "I doubt it, even though Kion kicked their sorry tails and beat the crap out of them three times they keep coming back." Said Almasi. "Yeah, your dad really doesn't know when to quit." Said Jilena knowing that her dad trying to kill Kion and take over the pack was a sore spot for her especially as it happened when he first arrived. "Let's just get this patrol over with, the sooner we confirm that no Panther, Leopard, or Jaguars are in the Outlands the sooner we can get some shut eye." Said Almasi as she walked on ahead crossing over a tree bridge. Jilena quickly caught up to her and the two began their patrol.

Everything seemed to be going alright up until the point when suddenly Jilena and Almasi both stopped and sniffed the air at the same time. "You smell smoke?" Asked Almasi. "Yeah, this way." She said leading her down a side passage where they came face to face with a large brush fire that was blocking a den. Normally they'd just leave it but they knew this place from when they came through, it was home to one of Kion's friends named Jasiri and as such they ran to assist and with the help of the few hyenas that weren't trapped inside the cave by the inferno they managed to get the fire out and save mostly everyone that was trapped inside. "Thanks Almasi, thanks Jilena." Said Jasiri as she coughed from all the smoke she'd breathed in.

"What happened?" Asked Almasi. "I don't know, we were doing what we normally do at night, sleeping, some of us sleep outside and others inside when all of a sudden brush was just dumped in front of the opening from that cliff up there along with a fire stick and suddenly we were trapped by a huge blazing fire." Explained Madoa. "Hmm, this wasn't an accident then, Almasi come on, we need to check out that cliff." Said Jilena as she began climbing. Almasi, Jasiri, and Madoa all followed after her and soon the four reached the top of the cliff where they found a lot more torn up brush and a large pile of ash. "Like I thought, someone is trying to get rid of you guys, but who, Kion said you rule the Outlands so they wouldn't try this meaning there's someone new in the Outlands." Said Jilena. Unfortunately due to all the smoke, ash, and brush it was impossible to pick up any distinct scent.

"Jilena, this has my fathers work written all over it." Whispered Almasi as she was remembering what her dad did to the forest where a bunch of friendly baboons lived. "I agree but we don't have enough evidence to confirm that meaning we can't tell Kion, at least not yet." Said Jilena before she turned to Jasiri. "Where could one get enough shrubs for a fire this big or access to lava and fire around here?" She asked. "Well there are large clusters of dried up shrubs all over the Outlands but as for the fire and lava, without storm the only place to get that would be the Volcano, but if we are correct it's been dormant for years ever since Kion erased Scar's evil spirit from this world." Said Jasiri. "Come on Almasi, you and I are going to investigate this volcano." Said Jilena as she began leading the way.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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