Chapter 4

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As the sun was flowing over the Pride Lands signaling that it was midday. As Kion noticed this he decided to go on a hunt on the edge of the Pride Lands in hopes of avoiding anyone and everyone however his luck was short lived as he came face to face with Vitani. "We need to talk." She said as she glared at him. "Great, look Tani, I get that you and Kovu are in the Pride now but just cause my grandparents and aunt trust you doesn't mean I do." Said Kion but he saw she was confused based on his word choice and he groaned before giving her a brief explanation of what he'd told his sister. After hearing this Vitani was shocked but shook it off. "Ok well, you can trust me or not I don't care, but if you are planning on causing chaos or turmoil here I cannot and will not allow that." She said as she looked at him. Kion smirked and burst into laughter before turning to her with a wicked and unreadable smirk. "If I wanna cause a little chaos in my home lands then that's what I'm going to do." He said smirking. She growled. "I will not allow you, as leader of the Lion Guard I will keep these lands safe from any threat even one from old members of the Pride Lands." She said aggressively.

Kion laughed again. "If you think you can stop the storm go ahead and try, but just know when I'm done with my plans the royal family will be one male shorter." He said calmly as he then walked off leaving Vitani there in anger and confusion as what he said didn't make much sense he wouldn't dare take on Simba but what else could it have meant. As she was thinking about it Tazama ran over to her. "Vitani, we have a problem, the zebras and gazelle are fighting with each other." Said Tazama. "What, why are they fighting?" Asked Vitani. "From what I saw it's a grass issue just like all those years ago." Said Tazama. "Great, which means we have to take them on another migration but to where they've already drained Mbali fields and their old grounds have been claimed by the Okapi that moved into the Pride lands so where can they be moved." Asked Vitani. "Simba suggested we split them up, take the Zebra to the Giraffe grazing grounds and the Gazelle to the Sable Antelope fields." Said Tazama to which Vitani nodded.

Meanwhile Kion was walking and laughing as he'd not only ruffled Vitani's fur but he'd given her the foreshadow of what was to come and now she'd be wondering when and how he'd strike. As he walked around he was looking for a meal when he smelled jackal. "Interesting, I wonder who this could be." He said as this jackals scent didn't seem the same as Reirei's. When he went exploring though who he found shocked him. "So Kijana has grown up and looks like she's leading the pack now." He said smirking as he lunged from the shadows in front of her. She yelped and backed up as she stared into the face of the lion who used to give her pack so much trouble. "K-Kion, I promise I'm not up to anything I'm just going to pay the king and queen a visit to renew the peace." She said as she stared at him. He chuckled. "Don't worry Kijana, I don't have the roar and on top of that I'm not in control of protecting this place anymore, I was just interested to see who the new jackal leader is, sorry about your moms passing." He said as he nodded to her. "O-oh thanks, it's uh good to know you're doing good as well." She said as she looked at him. "Anyway I'll let you return to your job I'm going hunting." He said as he left her.

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