Chapter 2

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As the day went on Kiara kept an eye on the horizon waiting for Kion and his panthers to come into the Pridelands. As she was about to go relax with Tiifu and Zuri she saw Zazu flying back in a panic meaning he had some urgent news for her parents so she stuck around as she had her suspicions on what this news was. Zazu flew in and took a few breaths before looking at Nala, Simba, and Kiara. "Your majesties there is a large group of panthers making their way towards pride rock." Said Zazu. "Do they seem like they're hostile?" Asked Simba. "No, but the strangest part is that they are being led by a male lion." Said Zazu. "A male lion, leading panthers, weird, Simba should we go meet them?" Asked Nala. "Probably, better to get on these newcomers good side rather than make an enemy of them." Said Simba as he ordered a few guards to come with him as well. The guards nodded and began following the king, queen, and princess as they went to meet up with this mysterious group.

When they arrived at the base of pride rock they watched as the lion and group of panthers came into view. "He looks ... familiar." Said Simba as he examined the mysterious figure approaching them. "He does, doesn't he." Said Kiara as she was still playing dumb even though she knew who it was. As soon as the group finally arrived close enough Simba and Nala's eyes widened as they immediately recognized who it was. "Kion, is that you?" Asked Simba in shock. "Hello Simba, hello Nala." Said Kion. This confused Kiara as to why he used their names rather than mom and dad. "Kion, is everything alright?" Asked Nala worriedly. "Oh yeah other than finding out a few secrets that have been kept from me for my entire life." He said as he looked at the two of them. "What are you talking about Kion, mom and dad wouldn't keep secrets from us especially if they were super important." Said Kiara as she was confused now. "Oh yes they would especially from someone who's not THEIR child." Said Kion. "Y-you know?" Asked Nala in shock. "Yeah, I know, you two aren't my mom and dad, you're my grandparents." Said Kion as he looked at them. "Okay now I'm beyond confused." Said Kiara.

Kion gave them a look and Nala sighed. "Kiara it's time you knew the truth, you weren't our first child, we had three cubs before you and well we thought it best to keep it from you." Said Nala sadly. "What, why would you keep this from us?" Asked Kiara before realizing that meant Kion was one of these mystery siblings children. "Well the eldest of them all, your true brother Kopa we assumed was dead because when last we saw him Zira had mauled him and thrown him into a river, the next two were twin sisters named Amani and Malkia, one of them died because of a illness that swept through the pride years ago, the other one left without even a word, and with them gone the newborn cub Amani had, Kion needed a mother and well we took him in as our own and kept the truth from him." Explained Nala as she couldn't look at Kion due to having kept this traumatic truth from him his whole life. "So I have possibly two siblings out I've never met and Kion's my nephew?" Asked Kiara. "Yes, Amani the one who left without so much as a word is his true mother, as to who his father is, well I have no information." Said Nala before she turned to Kion and apologized for keeping it from him as he deserved to know the truth.

(Amani and Malkia do not belong to me. If you wish to learn more about this amazing duo you must go and visit Qibli66 as they belong to him. Or you can go to Amani665 because while she doesn't own them she has Qibli's permission to rp with them.)

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