Chapter 5

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While Kion was out hunting for a meal he got the sneaking suspicion he was being watched so he redirected his stalking to where he was looking towards a large tree and in said tree he spotted a pink shorter version of Zazu. 'Must be his daughter, most likely sent by my family to keep an eye on me.' He thought to himself as he resumed his hunt taking down a large Buffalo all on his own. Normally he'd hunt for his pack but they were taking care of themselves right now and he was really hungry so he ate the whole Buffalo on his own. Once he finished he began walking by the tree. "If you wanted to spy on me without being noticed you failed pinkie, just like your father you are easily winded and breathe heavily." Said Kion revealing he knew she was there as he walked off heading towards the jungle where his pack was. He didn't make it far though until he came face to face with someone from his past. "Oh uh hey Kion, it's been a while." Said the all too familiar voice of his once good friend Fuli. "Yeah, since you and the rest of the guard tried to have me resign from the guard because you thought it was messing with my head." He said as he glared at the cheetah. "Can you blame us, you were claiming that Zira, Scar, and Shenzi had been sending you messages from beyond the grave, that can literally only mean you were too stressed from your job." Said Fuli and just like that the two began arguing.

After about an hour or two of arguing Kion had enough and just walked away. Their betrayal and plotting to force him into giving up the roar was only part of the reason he left and gave it up in the first place and every day it had been something he still held a grudge on. And even after he did give it up he still had the nagging dreams of Scar and Zira as if something or someone was trying to either tell him something about them or they were trying to contact him either way it could only lead to doom and chaos for anyone who listened. Soon he finally arrived back at the pack where his pack mates all looked at him. "My king are you alright?" Asked one of the den mothers and his adopted figurehead mother since when they found him he was still a little young. "I'm fine, just had a run in with an Ex Friend is all." He said as he clawed a tree. "Is there anything you need?" She asked as she wanted to help. "Nah, I just need to get some rest and relax, in the meanwhile Jilena and Almasi you two are on Night Patrol, we need to make sure that you know who isn't still following us." Said Kion to which the two female warriors nodded and began to go prep.

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