Chapter 3

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After Kion successfully dragged the truth of his origin and their lies out of his parents he stood there silently as he looked between his 'mom' who was saddened by the fact she'd been lying and his 'dad' who didn't even look bothered by the fact he'd been lying his whole life. Kiara looked at Kion and sighed as this situation was totally chaotic. "So uh Kion, how'd you come across your pack of Panthers?" Asked Kiara in an attempt to change the way things were going. Kion knew what she was doing but he'd put the pressure on Nala long enough, despite her lies he still cared about her. "About four months ago I got bit by an Egyptian Cobra over my eye which is how I got this scar, and well anyway they helped me regain control over my mind as the venom was making it impossible for me to tell the difference in my actions of right and wrong." Said Kion. Simba's eyes narrowed a bit as he remembered Rafiki saying that was how Scar turned on his brother. "And you are healed now, correct?" Asked Nala. "Yes, don't worry, thanks to their help my mind is fully stabilized and before I left their queen who was sick and elderly asked me to take over the pack as I'd earned their trust." Said Kion.

"Wow, so you've had a busy couple of months." Said Kiara as she was impressed. "Yeah, the only reason I'm here now is because a deadly heat wave flew through the panthers old home and so all the plant's shriveled into dust leading to the animals leaving, and the Pride Lands was in the line of where we were heading." Said Kion. "Why not just stay here?" Asked Nala. "Because I've been living on my own for years, and as such I am used to not taking orders, and while I respect Kiara as the future Queen I prefer to be the one giving orders." He explained as he stretched. "Well will you at least stay for a couple of days?" Asked Simba as he finally spoke. Kion was about to immediately respond with No when a dark purple panther nudged him and gave him a silent but distinct look and he gave in from this. "Very well, we will stay for Kupatana but after Kupatana we will be heading out." Said Kion. "So that gives us a week." Said Kiara smiling.

Kion nodded and then turned to take his pack somewhere they could lay claim to while living here. "My king, why are you giving in to their demands of staying here?" Asked a male Panther as he walked up next to Kion. "Because Ujanja I am only truly mad at my dad for what he did and by staying for a week it'll give me time to get my dad exiled for his actions which led to the way things are involving each of the three siblings." Said Kion. "I see, and once that's done, what if it's before this Kupatana celebration?" Asked another panther. "If my plans do end before then, I do not know if we will stick around because honestly I could care less about this place, I may like my sister and mother but this place is too full of bad memories." He said calmly as they kept walking. As they walked none of them noticed as a pair of sharp blue eyes were staring at them from the tall grass. "Hiyokali, I need to warn Vitani and the rest of the guard." She muttered to herself as she waited for the panthers and Kion to get far enough away before running through the tall grass for the lair.

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