Part 1

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Warnings- None, mention of scar, angst, Steve being angry. 

Your last mission took a toll on you. Getting stabbed nastily just below your tummy. Leading you to an urgent surgery and blood transfusion, cause of sever blood loss. Leaving you in the hospital for one month ten days.

Guess being a highly trained assassin, with good fighting skills does not guarantee 100% safe results. Only Tony, Nat and Bruce knew about your whereabouts. As for the rest? They just knew you had been seriously injured. Steve wanted to know about your whereabouts but for his own safety, no one told him anything, driving him crazy.

"So, all set to finally leave this place?" Rose one of the sweet nurse asks, her sweet nature made you, be friends with her. "Yes, finally out of your hair." you chuckle.
"I'll miss you Y/n" she hugs getting emotional and you hug her back with a smile. "I'll miss you too, now remember I'm just a phone call away."

"I know!" she rolls her eyes playfully "So who's gonna pick you up?"
"Hopefully Nat" as soon as those words left your mouth, AC/DC Highway to hell ringtone was blasting in the hallways. "On a second thought" "Tony" Rose answered and you gave her an apologetic smile.

"I heard my name" Tony's sarcastic voice roars in the room.
"Tony you should keep your phone on silence" you explain to him.
"Now when have I ever listened to anyone?" he smirks.
"Umm Caps?"
"Of course! you will take his name 'boyfriend ass kisser'"
"As if you won't 'Pepper's loyal child'"

This is what you miss the most. Calling each other, with weird made up names. Tony smirks, hugging you in a tight brotherly embrace.

"I missed you kid, don't you dare do that again"
"I missed you too Tons".

Tony and you became best friends instantly, shortly after you both were introduced by Fury, after the battle of New York. You both have same kind of sense of humor, your being a bit sophisticated. You are one of the few females, Pepper trusts Tony with. And it was Tony, who made you join the Avengers.

As you both said bye to Rose and rest of the staff members, you were now on your way to Stark Towers in Tony's high-tech SUV.

"So, how's everyone?"
"You mean all or Steve specifically?"

Hearing his name, a smile forms on your face. Steve Rogers aka Captain America your co-worker, best friend, lover, boyfriend. Unlike Tony and rest of the gang, Steve was professional in the very beginning, calling you mam.

It took you months for him to call you with your first name. Soon you became friends, bonding over music and art. Slowly Steve started to like you more than a friend, but at that time you were in a relationship with someone else.

But after the nasty breakup, Steve took proper care of you and you began to fall for him. It was only a matter of time; you both shared your feelings for each other. Making you both the prettiest couple.

"Umm all of them and yes Steve specifically..."
"All are good and excited for you. Nat and Wanda have gone crazy, Steve and Metal man are out on a mission with our mutant friends, they'll be back later today."

"You are the one in an Iron suit, yet still you call Bucky metal man?"
"I can call him many names" Tony smirks.
"Tony" you warn him.
"Yeah yeah alright" he sighed.

"Wait you said Nat and Wanda have gone crazy?"
"Yeah about that"
"What did you do Tony?"
"Why do you think I did something?"

You just give him a death glare, he looks outside the window before finally caving in.

"Alright stop glaring it's scary, don't freak out I have planned a small party for you." Tony is now smiling being hopeful, giving you the best puppy dog face. "Thank god you are cute Tons" Tony acts shocked putting a hand on his heart "I'm hot, but I'll take cute" he winks at you, making you laugh.

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