Part 4

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Warnings- Angst, fluff, danger and a fan crush moment. 

"Romanoff?" "Tony get your ass here Y/n is in danger" "What?" "Just get here!"

"Tony, is everything okay?" Bucky asks, noticing the worried look on Tony's face. "What did Natasha say?"

"Nat said they are in trouble, more like Y/n is in danger." Tony replies.

"What happened?" Steve asks immediately, a bit of panic seeping into his voice, as he realized you and Natasha are in danger. "Where are you going? What's going on?"

Few hours ago...

"Y/n talk to me" "Nat I'm fine"

"Come on!" she says, grasping your hand, pulling you along. "Let's just walk and talk..."

"Okay, fine..." you agree, letting her guide you along. As you two make your way down the sidewalk, Natasha pauses and turns to you, her expression serious. "Y/n, I know you well enough to know, you are thinking too much. Talk to me babe" You smile, happy at the fact that she knows you so well. "I should have told him, where I was being treated, I hid from him and lost him for good..."

"No, you did not lost him, ok? it was our decision for his own safety, hell we would have done it for Bucky too."
"He is freaking Captain America!!! Nat, he can take care of himself, even if we know it's the other way around. If he wants to be with someone else, I won't stop him"
"He loves you, you both are just going through a major misunderstanding..."
"Nat I'm not perfect for him! He deserves someone perfect, like him..." you exclaimed, cutting her mid-sentence. "Did he told you that?" Nat snaps at you.
"No..." you mumble, pouting at her, for snapping at you. She just rolls her eyes over your dramatics.

"Then don't jump to conclusions, stay on the ground before doing something stupid!" "Yeah, okay" you respond, feeling a bit tense as you anticipate her next move.

You stop walking, staring at her. Natasha is a smart woman, but god she had no patience for bullshits and over-reactions. But one thing is for sure, everything she says, is true and never ever argue with her.

"Are you going to keep on staring or what?!" she asks not bothering to stop, or look at you. "Coming, god you can be scary at times!" you raised your hands up in surrender, as she raised her brows at you.

After some few minutes of silence, you talk again, "So how are things with Bucky?" You can swear on anything, that you saw her blush and choke on air at the same time!

"What did you see or hear?" Nat asks, looking straight ahead, avoiding your gaze. You just smirk at her.

Before you could continue, a guy ran towards you both and pushed Nat in the alley. "What the hell?!" You yell as a man suddenly grabs Natasha and drags her into an alleyway, surprising you both. You quickly aimed your gun at him "Let her go, now!"

"What? Natasha who is with you?" The man holding her was looking in your direction, but not directly at you. "Hey, I said let her go!" You had a firm grip on the gun, ready to shoot, if required.

"What? Do you know him?" you ask her, not lowering the gun.
"Y/n, I know him, put the gun down."
"What, are you sure?" Natasha nods and you put your gun back down in your pocket.

The guy name Matt, lets her go and gives a sheepish smile to Nat. "Matt what are you doing here?" she asks him. "I need your help...and"
"Wait, how did you know it was me?" you furrow your brows in confusion at her question.
"Your perfume that's how I knew you were near..." he answers rubbing the back of his neck. "Wait her perfume? Who and what are you?" you ask looking at him with utter confusion, almost feeling like a third wheel.

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