Part 6

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Warnings- Bit angst, Steve being mean at the beginning. 

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH HIM?!" Steve yelled, storming over and glaring at you.

"I thought you were in danger, but you're busy sitting cozily next to him! Like I don't even exist!" He shouts, his anger fuelled by jealousy, more than anything else at that point. "You don't care about me!" he continued, glaring at you. "Just because you're mad at me, doesn't mean you can go off and flirt with someone else!"

"Steve... it's not what it looks like let me explain..." But Steve cuts you off, yelling more profanities.

"I don't want to hear it! You're just like every other girl who breaks a guy's heart! As soon as something better comes along, you move on and forget me!" Steve's jealousy was beginning to spiral out of control. He was furious that you were sitting next to another man, despite not knowing the reason. Steve continued, his words becoming more and more harsh.

"Steve, please just..." Tony tries to explain, but Steve cut him off. "Stay out of this, Stark! This isn't your business!"

"Just listen to us, Steve..." Natasha tries to interject, but Steve cut her off as well. "I don't want to hear it, I'm done!"

Steve continues, speaking directly to you now. "I trusted you. I care about you. And you just go and ..." he pauses, "Did you even have feelings for me at all?"

"Steve please" your eyes well up.

The sight of your teary eyes made Steve's heart lurch a little, but his anger still overpowered his emotions. He looked at you, his expression still filled with a mix of fury and pain. "How could you... how could you do this to me?"

Steve's voice softened just a little before he continued, "I loved you."

Matt, having had enough of Steve's harsh words and assumptions, picked up a brick from the debris around them and hurled it straight at Steve.

Steve was taken by surprise as the brick flew through the air, his eyes widening in shock. Everyone else stood frozen, stunned by the sudden act of defiance. The brick struck Steve on the shoulder, causing him to grunt in pain and stumble back a few steps.

Steve was too stunned to react immediately. He cradled his shoulder, pain radiating from the point of impact. Natasha and Tony looked wide eyed at Matt, their expressions a mix of shock and astonishment.

"Oh my hit him with a brick?" you asked too stunned, with his action. Matt turned to look at you, a hint of a small smirk on his lips as he spoke. "He deserved it," he said bluntly, his voice firm.

Natasha covered her mouth to hold back a laugh, while Tony looked at Matt with new found respect, though he would not accept that.

Steve glared at Matt with pure anger, cradling his shoulder which was likely to bruise soon. "You...I'll kill you-" Steve started to take a step forward, ready to punch Matt.

"Take one more step forward and we all will die!" Nat warns him. Steve froze, his face twisted in anger, fists clenched and ready to strike. But Natasha's words stopped him dead in his tracks. He knew she wasn't bluffing, no matter how angry he was.

His eyes darted between you, Matt, and Natasha. His frustration was evident as he knew there was nothing, he could do without endangering everyone. "What the hell does that mean?"

Matt turned his attention back to Steve, the cocky smirk still on his face. "It means..." Matt began, his voice calm but firm, "We're sitting on a bomb. If we move too much, it'll explode. She's sitting next to me because we're keeping the weight balanced. I mean I'm the blind one here, but clearly it's you behaving like one"

Steve blinked, his anger momentarily replaced by shock and disbelief. "You're sitting on a...what?" He looked between you and Matt and then down at the bomb beneath you both. "You're serious?"

Tony and Natasha watched the realization dawn on Steve's face. His whole demeanor changed after he heard about the bomb.

"That's right, Cap. They're literally sitting on a bomb." Tony tells him.

Steve went silent for a moment as he processed the information, his eyes darting from the bomb to Matt and then to you. The gravity of the situation suddenly hit him. "Why didn't you tell me that?"

Nat couldn't help but chime in, her voice filled with the gravity of the situation. "She tried to..." Natasha replied, "But you were too busy yelling to listen."

Steve's face hardened as he glanced at you. Guilt started to creep in as he realized his mistake. His anger had blinded him, and he had accused you without even letting you explain.

Steve looked down, his eyes landing on the bomb. " we can save them? You got this figured out right Tony?" He asked, a hint of fear in his voice.

"There are different wires, connected. As soon as I figured out the code system, we need to cut them at the same time." Tony tells him with a calm yet serious tone.

Steve's face paled as he looked down at the bomb again. The reality of the situation sinking in. Tony speaks at, his voice filled with a mix of seriousness and sarcasm. "I guess that's the end of your little jealous fit, huh?"

Steve didn't respond. He was still struggling to reconcile his anger and jealousy from earlier with the life-threatening situation you all were in now. Nat gave him a hard look, her eyes filled with admonishment. "Maybe next time, listen before you act like an idiot."

Steve shot a glare at her, but he couldn't argue. He knew she was right. He had acted rashly, letting his emotions control his actions, without even giving you a chance to explain.

Tony spoke again, trying to lighten the mood a little despite the dire situation. "So, to recap, we're stuck in a bomb situation, kid's sitting with Mr. Daredevil because they're keeping it from exploding, and Cap here blew up on them because he thought she was cozying up with another guy. Anyone miss anything?"

Nat rolled her eyes at Tony's attempt to lighten the tension, but couldn't help but smirk a little. Steve just looked more annoyed and guilty at the same time.

"Guys please..." you tell them and Steve avoided your gaze, the guilt and regret evident on his face, his heart tightening in his chest as he heard the compassion in your voice despite everything, he had put you through.

"All right let's get back to work, Capsicle and Romanoff search the other rooms and see where the wires end. When I tell you to cut, cut the wires." Tony tells them.

Steve hesitated for a moment, his eyes flickering to you, concern etched on his face. He knew it was his fault that things had gotten so messed up between you two, but that didn't mean he didn't worry about your safety.

"I'm not leaving her alone with him..." Steve muttered, his tone laced with worry.

Tony looked at Steve with an impatient look.

"She'll be fine. I promise you, I'll keep her safe. Now go." Tony said firmly.

"I'll protect her too." Matt chimes in and Tony shots him a glare. "No one's talking to you."

As Steve prepared to leave with Nat, he cast one last glance at you, his worry evident in his eyes. He looked torn between wanting to stay and make sure you were safe and carrying out the assigned duty.

You and Steve exchange a look. A look of something hopeful.

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