Part 9

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Warnings- Confessions, sadness, fluff. 

Tony's voice crackles through the comm once again, filled with urgency. "Nat, Steve, I've got the code, but as you can see the wires are tangled. Just be extra careful not to trigger anything, while untangling them."

Natasha and Steve look at each other, their expressions a mix of determination and concern. They adjust their approach, ensuring they take even more care when unravelling the wires.

"Copy that, Stark."

You turn your attention back to your surroundings, where Tony is engrossed in with the bomb and Matt playfully teases him.

Matt grins at Tony, but Tony's preoccupied and doesn't give Matt the satisfaction. "What, got nothing better to do?" Tony asks. Matt chuckles, enjoying getting under Tony's skin. "Just checking in on you."

Tony snorts, clearly unamused. "Well, you can stop checking now."

You can't help but chuckle at Matt's teasing and Tony's reactions. It's a familiar dynamic, a mix of banter and tension.

"You know, anyone ever told you you're annoying as hell?" Matt feigns hurt, placing a hand on his chest. "Annoying? I prefer the word 'endearing'." Tony rolls his eyes, clearly not buying it. "Endearing? Yeah, sure."

Matt smirks, enjoying the verbal banter. "Come on, you love me." Tony huffs, pretending to be annoyed. "Love is a strong word, Murdock."

Matt's smirk widens, enjoying the back-and-forth. "Alright, maybe 'like' then."

"Still pushing it." Tony tells him. Matt chuckles. "What, you can't handle a little flirtation now and then?"

"I'd rather handle a bomb." "Oh, don't worry about it – handling me can be just as explosive."

Sensing the banter escalating a bit too much, you step in, trying to defuse the situation.

"Alright, Matt, lay off him. We've got a task at hand." Matt turns to you, a smirk still on his lips. "Just trying to lighten the mood, sweetheart. Tension's in the air, you know?"

You roll your eyes, although a smile tugs at the corners of your mouth. "Can't deny that, but we're kind of in the middle of a something, remember?" Matt raises his hands in surrender, "Alright, alright. I'll behave."

Tony chimes in, his tone still slightly annoyed, but also grateful for your intervention. "Thank you, kid you are a savior!" You chuckle at him. "I wouldn't go that far. Just trying to keep you from losing your head."

Matt grins, clearly enjoying getting a rise out of Tony. "Can't blame him for getting a bit flustered around a beauty like you and a charming guy like me."

Tony, the protective dad, turns to Matt with a warning in his eyes. "You are not going to flirt with her!" Matt raises an eyebrow, amused by Tony's fatherly attitude. "Oh, are we going into dad mode now? Relax, I'm just being friendly." Tony shakes his head, not backing down. "Friendly, my ass. You're practically undressing her with your eyes."

You nearly choke on air as Tony bluntly declares that Matt is undressing you with his eyes. You splutter, feeling your face flush with embarrassment. "Tony, seriously?" Matt bursts out laughing, clearly amused by your reaction.

You cast Matt a glare as you catch your breath. Matt just smiles "I know you are glaring at me." "Focus please focus."

Some minutes later, Natasha calls out to Tony, bringing his attention back to the crucial task at hand. "Tony, wires are untangled. Let's get it done."

Tony quickly shifts his focus back, putting his teasing banter with Matt aside for the moment. "Roger that, Nat. I'm disabling the code, as soon as I tell you to cut, cut them."

"Copy that."

He dives back into the bomb's circuitry, his eyes scanning the wires for the key to disabling the encryption. Meanwhile Natasha and Steve, keeping an eye on the timer, takes a deep breath. They work in silence, each knowing the stakes.

Tony, realizing the potential danger, turns to Steve and Natasha. "Stay there. It's too risky for you both to come any closer, in case it backfires."

Natasha protests, wanting to help. "But we can assist you, Tony."

"No, Nat. I can't risk you two getting injured. I need to concentrate on defusing this bomb. Stay there, please."

Steve, hearing Tony's warning, immediately turns around to get back to you. Natasha places a hand on Steve's arm, trying to reason with him. "Steve, she'll be fine."

"I'm not leaving her alone there."

Matt turns to Tony, his voice surprisingly serious. "Tony, I have a favour to ask...there's something you should pass on to Karen and Foggy if... well, if anything happens to me." Tony sensing the gravity in Matt's tone, tells him, "Of course, Matt. Anything."

It was a rare sight to see, Tony actually listening to Matt.

Matt takes a deep breath, his face stoic. "Tell them... tell them I love them. They're my family, my home. And tell them to keep fighting. Even if I'm not there, our work... it has to continue."

Matt has a grave expression on his face, "Tony, if I don't make it out of this one..." He pauses, "Please tell Karen and Foggy..."

His voice falters, and Tony nods, understanding the weight of the moment. "Of course, Matt. I'll make sure they know your wishes, if it comes to that."

"Thank you. They mean the world to me."

You squeeze his hand, trying to motivate him. "Who's Karen and Foggy?"

Matt turns to you, his voice tinged with emotion. "Karen is my girlfriend. She's...everything to me. We might not see eye to eye on everything, but she's my rock." He takes a deep breath. "And Foggy...he's my best friend and business partner. He's been with me through thick and thin."

Matt pauses, gathering his thoughts. "They deserve to know how much they mean to me, just in case..."

"Hey, nothing will happen to us."

Matt smiles and squeezes your hand, appreciating your words.

You turn to Tony, your voice filled with remorse and a touch of desperation. "Please, tell Steve... tell him I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt him or make him doubt me. I'm so sorry for everything."

Tony nods, understanding the weight of your request. "I'll tell him, kid. But you need to know it's not your fault."

"But it is. If I hadn't..." Tony cuts you off, his voice gentle yet determined. "No, it's not. It's not your fault."

Tony looks at you, his expression softening for a moment. You take a shaky breath, summoning your courage to say goodbye to your dear friend. "And tell him...tell him I wish him the best in life." Tony hesitates, then nods.

Your voice quivers with emotion as you turn to Tony, tears welling up in your eyes. "Tony, you've been more than a brother to me. You've been my rock, my guardian, my best friend."

Tony's expression betrays his own emotions, his eyes glistening.

"And Nat, Bucky, Sam, Wanda, Thor... you're all my family. I love you all so deeply."

Tony's voice cracks as he responds. "Kid, you know I love you too. More than words can express. And I promise, nothing is going to happen to you two."

Matt, witnessing the emotional exchange between you and Tony, places a supportive hand on your shoulder. He understands the weight of the situation.

As Tony was about to get back to work, Steve barged in, unable to contain his emotions any longer, he drops to his knees before you, tears welling up in his eyes. He gently takes your hand, his grip firm but tender.

"Y/n, I...I'm so sorry. For everything. For doubting you, for yelling at you." His voice quivers as his tears begin to fall. "I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I..I..."

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