Part 2

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Warnings- Angst, ex being mean, misjudgment. Slight assault, Steve being mean, kissing another person.

Tony's parties are always extravagant, endless drinks, lots of food and strangers ready to show off and flirt. Especially with Steve and Bucky. Bucky? You don't mind, Nat can take care of him. But Steve? Hell no! stay the fuck away from him.

You wore a nice blue gown with slit in the side, pairing it along with the chain Steve gifted you.

As you went down to the party hall, you saw everyone was looking glamorous. Nat was fierce as always, Bucky and Thor dashing, Sam looking handsome in his suit, Wanda breathtakingly beautiful, Tony as usual stunning.

But your eyes were locked on one man. The Captain, looking hot in dark navy-blue suit. You thanked all the holy things, that you both were matching tonight. His eyes find yours and a small smile comes on his face, but he is distracted by someone. That smile made you forget about your little incident in the bedroom, maybe you misread him? maybe you both can talk about it?

"Y/N!!!" Thor yells "You look lovely. May I know where you found a such pretty dress? So, I may buy one for my Jane." Adorable Thor always melts your heart. He is literally a kid, man child. "Thor I would love to help you, even you look dashing..." he blushes at your compliment and pouts "Thank you."

You were smiling, when you turn your gaze back at Steve, you caught Steve's eyes. But this time he was giving you a stoic look, like he is irritated. You try to think to yourself, what made him angry?

As you were thinking, you heard your name being called. "Kid you look lovely" you turn around and saw Tony smiling at you. "Thanks Tony" you smile.
"So what do you think?" He raises his brows, expecting a nice answer.
"Nice party. Nothing to big and people only we know." you smirk, making him roll his eyes at you. "Yeah you wanted nothing fancy, so your wish is my command..." he smiles and this time you roll your eyes at him.

"Just few people, only we know?"
"Our mutant friends are here..." before Tony could finish rest of his sentence, bunch of drunk laughter distracted you both. Steve was one of them.

But he can't get drunk, so that means he was drinking something else. Something special from Asgard. You had no problem with that. But the people or should you say one particular person, he was hanging with was a problem.

"You said mutant friends!"
"Yes I did..." "He is not..!"
"I know and I swear I did not invite him!!!"
"Mutant friends means he is invited Tons!"
"Shit Steve was working with Charles, he must have invited Erik."
"Steve is drinking asgardian drink with my ex Tons!"
"I hate him as much as you do..."
"Tons we need to stop Steve and get him the fuck away from Erik!" Tony nods and you both went to get Steve.

"Steve lets go" you hold his arm, trying to pull him away. Steve just looked at you, yanking his arm free and took another sip of his drink. This was a perfect opportunity for Erik to open his drunk mouth. "Y/n still the same. Won't let others have a good time." he smirked, taking a sip of his own drink. "Erik still the same prick." You roll your eyes, keeping your focus on Steve. Tony right behind you.

"You know? I can lift her without touching." Erik smirks, talking to an almost getting drunk Steve. "No ways" Steve gasp, looking at him in awe.
"Ok you need to slow down Capsicle!" Tony interrupts, trying to get things in control. "No Tony! You need to stop." Steve whines and looks back at Erik, "Erik show us your trick..." Steve begs and Erik laughs, as he uses his mutation on your chain to lift you up in the air.

Steve and Erik just laugh. Tony was trying his best to get you down. "Say please darling..." Erik hisses, looking at you like a predator.

You close your eyes and try to ignore the joke being made out of you. Tony pushes Erik aside, causing him distraction. Making you fall on the ground. Tony helps you, to stand up and you quickly ran to the balcony.

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