Part 5

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Warnings- Angst, Fluff.

The silence in the abandoned building was punctuated, only by the rhythmic hum of the bomb. You and Matt sat side-by-side, both tense but determined. Your combined weight kept the pressure plate off, the only thing preventing a city-wide catastrophe.

But that didn't stop Nat from laughing and Matt being kind enough, not to directly laugh at you.

You had burrowed Nat's phone to send, a whole-hearted voice message to Steve. After you were done, you looked at them, little very proud of your speech. What you didn't expect was them to laugh.

"Ha ha! Very funny." you scoff, with a serious look.

"You are really adorable." Matt says, trying his best not to laugh, but failing miserably. "She is adorable, I mean that voice message though, chef's kiss." Nat laughed. "You do realize right; Rogers might not check the message sent through my phone?"

You glare at her, she raises her brow daring you to glare, which you immediately replace with a scowl, though she was right. "If things go in the wrong direction..." you motion with your hands to the current situation, "you can tell check..." you pout.

"What happened to, I trust everyone and we'll be safe Matt?" Matt reminds you, with that damn adorable smile. "I still trust everyone, but" "She is being dramatic" Nat cuts you, rolling her eyes. "Why don't you kids, get to know each other, while I look around more."

"Sounds good to me, not like we can do much here..." Matt says. "Behave you two" she winks at you and heads out.

"So," you began, your voice a low murmur, "Lawyer by day, vigilante by night, huh?"

Matt chuckled; the sound surprisingly warm. "Just doing my part. You seem to handle yourself pretty well too." "Just another day at the office," you replied, the words laced with a hint of a smile. "Though I wouldn't mind a few more gadgets and a flying suit right now."

You both lapsed into a comfortable silence again. You stole a glance at Matt. He seemed calm, almost serene, despite the ticking bomb beneath him. His face, etched with the faint scars of past battles, was surprisingly handsome. There was a depth in his dark eyes though hidden through his glasses.

You spoke again, breaking the silence, "care to share, what's the issue, between you and Tony?"

Just then Nat comes back, "My senses told me, we are about to gossip." Matt chuckled, blushing slightly, as he begins to tell...


Tony Stark, scowled as he watched Matt Murdock walk confidently into Stark Tower. The lawyer, Pepper's choice for handling the legal aftermath of the Iron Man reveal, had become a thorn in Tony's side. It wasn't Matt's legal prowess that bothered him, it was the way Pepper spoke of him.

"He's so calm and collected, Tony," Pepper had said, a genuine smile on her face. "He handled the press conference beautifully, even with you throwing curveballs."

Tony had grunted, the jealousy twisting in his gut like a malfunctioning arc reactor. Matt Murdock, with his quiet demeanor and kind eyes, was everything Tony wasn't. He was the grounded lawyer, the responsible one, the complete opposite of Tony's flamboyant billionaire persona.

"Mr. Stark," Matt greeted, his voice a low rumble. "Pepper said it was urgent."

Tony gestured to a chair, the tension in the room thick. "Yes, well, there's been a slight... disagreement with a certain Captain America, and I need you to clean up the mess."

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