Part 3

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Warnings- Angst, misunderstandings, both being idiots. 

You hardly slept. But you know, you had to get up, before anyone sees you in the lounge, sleeping in the party gown and messed up make up.

You quietly went inside your shared room. Steve was thankfully sleeping like a baby; his innocent face was warming your heart. But at the same time whatever happened yesterday, followed by the party was breaking you.

You removed his socks and shoes, unbuckled his belt and opened top three buttons of his shirt, pulling the covers on him. You wanted to kiss his forehead, but decided against it. Laurie is beautiful not you. You went for a quick shower, thankfully Steve was still asleep. You got ready and went for breakfast, only to be greeted by Nat and Wanda.

"Good morning sexy" Nat smile.
"Good morning Nat, Wanda" you greet.
"Good morning, ooh someone was naughty last night." Wanda teases.
"What you mean?" you ask in confusion.
"We can see the love mark silly." she chuckles, you give her a soft smile, instead of replying.
"Cap gone crazy drinking asgardian special?" Nat raises her eyebrows biting her lower lip.
"Yeah something like that..." you tell them, turning around to avoid looking at them.

But who can fool a kickass assassin and a mind reader?

"Y/n what's wrong?" Nat asks turning you around to face them. "Nothing, just a stupid argument, nothing big really." You half lie, half-truth answer her.

"Is that so kid?" Tony asks from behind, making you jump, being caught off guard, "Jesus Tony you scared me..." you tell placing a hand on your heart.

Nat puts her hand on your shoulder and asks again "What's wrong Y/n? you know you cannot lie, even if your life depends on it."
"Told you, just a stupid argument..." suddenly Wanda gasp out loud.

Wanda had taken the liberty to read your mind.

"Wanda stop reading my mind, please..." you beg her, as your eyes well up. Wanda was already crying, feeling your pain. Nat rushes to her, while Tony stands next to you, thinking he knows everything, except for the fact, he does not know what happened, after you and Thor left him to deal with Erik.

"Wanda tell me, what is she hiding?" Nat asks. Wanda just embraces you in a tight hug, while Nat and Tony exchange a look.

Meanwhile Bucky comes in the kitchen, looking for Steve for their workouts, but stops in his tracks seeing all of you. "Hey anything wrong? And has anyone seen Steve?" Bucky asks, furrowing his eyes, looking at each one of you. "He is still sleeping." you reply.
"What? He never sleeps still so late." Bucky states.

"That's because he is an idiot!" Wanda tells in a stern voice, making everyone, except you, confuse. Bucky obviously don't know anything, he asks Wanda, why she thinks Steve is an idiot, and she looks at you to tell them. But seeing your state, she tells them everything from your arrival to Erik attacking you, to Steve kissing Laurie and finally the argument, him assuming, you cheating on him with Thor.

"That son of..." Tony was about to name call Steve, when you stopped him, "Tony no, please don't" you plead. "How can you defend him Y/n?" Tony asks, looking at you worriedly.
"Tony is right, that punk has no right to treat you like this!" Bucky says, agreeing with Tony. "Bucky, he was drunk, not even in his senses..."
"That does not mean, he can kiss someone else, without knowing the damn truth" Nat tells you.

You know, somewhere they all had a point, how much can you cover, what's going on between Steve and you?

Not knowing what else to say, you leave the kitchen and decide to go outside for a stroll.

Nat notices you leaving, she quickly stops you, "Y/n wait, let's go together, out for a walk." You nod and tell her, to meet you outside while you go and grab your wallet.

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