Part 8

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Warnings- Fluff, little angst 

Natasha's expression softened a bit, seeing Steve's remorse. "You hurt her," she pointed out bluntly. "You accused her of something she didn't do, without even hearing her side of the story."

Steve's guilt intensified as he replayed the scene in his mind. He could still see the look on your face when he yelled at you. "I know..." his voice trailed off, "I screwed up badly."

Natasha stopped searching for a moment to face him directly. "You need to apologize to her," she said firmly. "A real apology. Not just a passing remark. She deserves that much."

Steve nodded, knowing she was right. He knew he had hurt you deeply with his words and accusations. "I will. As soon as this is over, I'll apologize to her properly."

Natasha gave him a final stern look before resuming her search. "You better!" she said. "She didn't deserve, to be on the receiving end of your misplaced jealousy. Ever since she is back, you have treated her badly, even kissing someone else."

Steve winced at her reminder. He had been so caught up in his own emotions that he had forgotten that she knew about him kissing another woman. "I didn't kiss her...she forced herself upon me..."

Natasha shot him a skeptical look, not buying his excuse. "Really? She forced herself on you?"

Steve nods and tells her the whole truth.

Natasha shook her head, her annoyance evident. "You're an idiot sometimes, you know that, right? Actually, you both are idiots."

Steve didn't argue with her assessment. He knew she was right. He had made one mistake after another when it came to you.

"I know..." he muttered, his voice filled with remorse.

Back on the other side,

"What do you mean Tons?" you ask.

"Oh boy," he starts, "Back when Pepper and I were still figuring out our relationship, Matt decided to swoop in like the charming idiot he is."

Matt chimes in with a playful grin, shrugging his shoulders modestly. "I was just doing my job." he repeats, as if it's no big deal. Tony rolls his eyes, still annoyed by Matt's nonchalance.

"Yeah, he told me and Nat, that he was your lawyer in the past, and due to some advice, you have problems with him?"

Tony's mood shifts, and a mix of frustration and amusement crosses his face. "Problems? More like a persistent headache." He leans back, shaking his head at the memory. "Let's just say his 'advice' didn't exactly go according to plan."

Tony shoots a glare at Matt, who just smiles innocently, clearly enjoying getting under Tony's skin.

"Wait, what problem did you have with Steve?"

Tony gasps and look at Matt with a disbelief look. "You told them?"

Matt just smiles, "I don't lie to pretty women."

Matt chimes in with a grin, relishing the memory. "Yeah, I still remember that day."

Tony interjects with a groan. "I still curse the day I asked you for advice."

"But what was the problem?" you ask, too curious and eager to know.

Matt takes this opportunity to recount the story, enjoying the chance to annoy Tony. "Well, Mr. Billionaire here..." he gestures to Tony "had a disagreement with Captain America."

Tony rolls his eyes, clearly not pleased with where this conversation is headed. Not wanting to let Matt take the lead on this story, he cuts in, ready to give his side of the drama.

"Cap was being a pain in my ass-"

"Don't you dare lie!" you cut him.

"Why do I keep forgetting about your love for him?"

Matt interferes, "It was about an article...more like fashion article."

Tony's face turns red with embarrassment, and he glares at Matt for airing out the secret. "Damn you!" Tony mutters under his breath.

Matt continues, enjoying Tony's discomfort. "Tony had a rather unflattering photo in the papers, and it stirred up quite the media frenzy."

"But what's the connection of Steve in this?" you ask.

Tony crosses his arms, still annoyed at the memory, while Matt smiles, relishing in stirring the pot. "Cap happened to stumble upon that photo, and in true superhero fashion, he decided to give his two cents on the situation."

"He wanted to sue Steve, for that?" you gasped.

Matt chuckles, "No, he wanted to sue the damn newspaper. And our dear Mr. Billionaire here had a brilliant idea."

Tony grumbles, still not over the fact that the "brilliant idea" turned out to be a mistake. "Shut up."

Matt turns to you with a grin. "Our genius friend over there wanted to sue them for 'defamation of character'."

Tony looks like he wants to strangle Matt but decides to finish the story himself. "They claimed the photo had negatively impacted my image, that I should become more responsible and rational. I wanted compensation for that."

Matt couldn't hold back a chuckle, amused by the absurdity of the situation. "So, being a good lawyer, I had to bring him crashing back to reality."

"Hey they printed a wrong photo of me and they have the audacity, to say it's a negative impact for my image?!" Tony tells you.

"And let me guess, Pepper was impressed by your work and Tony here got..."

"Don't you dare kid!" Tony warns. "Okay..." you laugh covering it with a cough.

"Now, see? This is why I'm clearly her favorite superhero."

Tony rolls his eyes, clearly not amused, but tries to keep his snarky remarks coming. "In your dreams, devil boy."

Tony refocuses his attention on the task at hand, muttering under his breath about Matt as he dives back into deciphering the code system. "I hate that guy."

Matt just grins, clearly amused by Tony's annoyance, while Tony continues working silently.

Tony dives deeper into the code system, his genius mind working at full speed. He takes a moment to study the patterns, the sequences, and the peculiarities of the bomb's circuitry.

"Alright...just a matter of time..." He carefully examines different components of the bomb, running numerous calculations in his head. Then, suddenly, his eyes light up as he makes a breakthrough.

"Eureka, I figured it out!"

Meanwhile, Steve and Natasha continue their search for the remaining wires, meticulously checking every room and hallway.

Suddenly, Natasha spots something under a desk. She crouches down and finds a hidden compartment connected to some wires.

"Found it!"

Steve immediately rushes to her side, his gaze fixed on the newly discovered wires. "That's the one."

Natasha leans in for a closer for further inspection. "This is where they are all connected."

Steve nods, sharing her sense of urgency. As Natasha continues tracing the path of the wires, the sound of his comm crackles to life.

Tony's voice speaks through the comm. "Hey, guys. I've deciphered the code."

Both Natasha and Steve exchange a glance, "Copy that, Stark. We've found the main connecting point."

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