Part 7

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Warnings- Fluff, fun, little angst. 

With Steve and Nat gone, Tony and Matt are left alone with you.

"Daredevil." "Iron Man."

Tony glared while Matt smiled unbothered.

"This is getting ridiculous, Murdock," Tony growled, his voice distorted by the helmet. "And spoil your little hero moment?" Matt's voice was a low rumble.

"I still can't believe you threw a brick at Cap."
Matt smirked, enjoying the banter, "He deserved it."

"If I knew it would take a brick to knock some sense into our Cap, I would have thrown one myself years ago." Tony mutters to himself. Matt laughs.

Tony continued to work, his genius mind focused on the task at hand, while unable to resist a witty remark. "You know, I never thought I'd be in a situation where the fate of the city would be in the hands of Daredevil and Y/n sitting on a bomb."

When Tony didn't get any witty reply from you, he glanced at you, his sharp eyes catching the dejected look on your face. He could tell the aftermath of Steve's outburst was still weighing heavy on you. Tony paused his work, removing his helmet, he turned to you, his voice softer than usual. "Hey," he started, gaining your attention. "You holding up okay kid?"

You nod, chewing your bottom lips, desperately holding onto the tears threatening to spill. Tony's gaze was filled with concern as he added, "Don't let Cap's hissy fit get to you. He's just a big idiot."

"I...I don't know what to do..." you say, your voice a whisper.

Natasha and Steve had been checking the other rooms to see where the wires connected, and during their search, Natasha decided to address the elephant in the room.

"You know..." she started; her tone serious but understanding. "What you did to her back there."

Steve sighed, guilt weighing heavy on him. "I..." He paused, not knowing how to defend his actions. "I thought she was getting too close to that guy."

Natasha shook her head, disapproval etched on her face. "You accused her, yelled at her, in the middle of everything. You didn't even give her a chance to explain."

Steve looked down, his remorse growing with each word. "I know," he admitted, his voice filled with regret. "I messed up. I overreacted."

Tony leaned in slightly, looking at you with a kind smile. "He'll get over it, trust me. He's too smitten with you to stay mad for long."

Matt couldn't help but chime in, knowing full well it would annoy Tony. "You okay?"

Tony glared at Matt, clearly not pleased with his interference. Tony muttered under his breath.

"You stay out of this."

But Matt, unbothered by Tony's irritation, continued with a playful smirk. He leaned slightly towards you, "I'll throw another brick at Cap if he upsets you again."

Now that made you laugh. Tony watched with a mix of surprise and disbelief as Matt successfully made you laugh. He couldn't believe that the Daredevil had managed to lighten your mood.

Tony blinked, muttering to Matt, "Did I just see her laugh?"
Matt's smirk widened, satisfied with his small victory. He leaned back, feeling pleased with himself. "I have my moments."

Tony shots a glare at you and you raise your hands in surrender. "Traitor..." he mumbles under his breath. You pout at him, as he gets back to work.

"Thank both." You sniffle and smile at them. Tony gives your hand a squeeze and Matt gives you that adorable smile.

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