Chapter 4

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By the time I woke up the next day, I realized for the first time in six months, I had slept a full eight hours and then some. There were no bad dreams, no interruptions. I felt fully rested. Other than the killer hangover, I felt amazing.

I smiled a little as I glanced over at my bottle of tequila.

I opened it to take a sip, but stopped myself, the constant urge to drink seemingly vanished.

"Well, that's new..."

I set the bottle on the kitchen counter and poured myself a glass of water instead.

The rest of the morning went by surprisingly well. I sat down for a real breakfast. I took a shower. I washed some clothes. Hell, I even did my makeup. It was... Pure bliss.

I sat out on my front porch, an actual smile on my face. One that I didn't have to force. One that seemed to light up my day.

I pulled my phone out, dialing Hunter. She answered after the second ring. "Hey, Tess, what's up?"

I rubbed the back of my neck. "Nothing much, was just wondering if you wanted to grab some lunch with me?"

She was quiet for a second. "You sound sober."

I nodded a little. "I am... And, I'm starving, so please just say yes."

She chuckled a little. "Alright... Where do you wanna go?"

I laughed back. "Somewhere cheap... That new girl has a way of talking me out of more money than usual."

She laughed harder. "She's a stripper, that's her job."

I returned it. "Yeah, yeah, just come pick me up."

"Alright. Be there soon."

After she picked me up, we made our way to the closest fast food restaurant, sitting down for lunch.

"So... Call me curious, but why are you sober?" Hunter asked, biting into a French fry.

I set my burger down, wiping my hands. "I actually slept last night... For the whole night... It was amazing..."

She gave me a little smile. "That's great, Tess... I'm happy for you..."

I rubbed my forehead. "Hey, uh... I just wanted to apologize for blowing up on you the other day..."

She waved her hand. "It's ok, Tess... I probably deserved it anyway..."

I looked down at the table, rubbing my forearm. "Hunter... I know you regret what happened. I know you didn't start it. I know you're sorry... I just... When I'm drinking... It's like I'm not myself anymore... I just get so angry at every little thing... I want to forgive you... Hell, I want to forgive Macy..."

She took my hand from across the table. "Tessa... What we did to you was awful. I should've known better... I should've just thought it out... I betrayed your trust. I hurt you... I don't deserve your forgiveness and I'm ok with that... But, I'm not going to leave you on your own and I'll never hurt you again..."

I gave her hand a little squeeze. "Thank you..."

We returned to our lunch after that, letting the silence drag, before I decided to break it.

"So... I have a date tomorrow night..." I said, studying Hunter.

She propped her elbows up on the table, resting her chin on her hands. "Do you now... With who?"

I felt a little blush cross my cheeks. "The new girl... Ellie... We spent all last night just... Talking. It was great..."

My best friend smiled at this. "That's good, Tess, I'm happy for you... Just, don't forget her... Occupation..."

I rolled my eyes a little. "C'mon, Hunter, just because she's a stripper doesn't make her any less of a person."

She raised her hands. "I know, I know... Just, looking out for you, that's all."

A small sigh slipped past my lips. "I get it... Thanks."

She nodded. "And, you had better call me afterwards, I wanna hear all about it..."

That got a smile back on my face...

Even after all the bullshit, it was hard to stay mad at my best friend. I don't know if I'd ever have the strength to forgive her. But, I still loved her. She was there for me when I had no one else. She was like my sister...

Hunter pulled into my driveway after lunch, turning to me before I got out. "Hey... I'm proud of you... I hope tomorrow night goes really well."

I gave her a little smile. "Thanks..."

She returned it, pulling me into a quick hug before letting me out.

I waved her off before heading inside.

My eyes immediately landed on the bottle of tequila still sitting on the kitchen counter.

I sat down on the couch, staring the bottle down. The minutes ticked by as I deliberated in my head. One drink wouldn't hurt... Why do you want one, though? You're having a great day. It's not a necessity... Is it habit at this point?

As those thoughts swirled, my mind eventually landed on something else. Or, someone else. I wonder what Ellie is up to... Is it to early to call? Would it be weird?

I found myself pulling my phone out, my finger hovering over Ellie's number. She's probably busy... You don't know that unless you try... She probably won't even answer.

I dialed her up and hit the speaker phone button, setting the phone on my lap as I nervously fiddled with my fingernails.

One ring went by, then two.

She's not going to answer. Just hang-

"Hello?" I heard her voice, pulling me from my thoughts.

"H-hey... It's Tessa..."

"Oh, hey Tessa. What's up?"

My heartbeat quickened. Why is this so difficult?

"Nothing, uh, is it to early to call? I can never remember how that goes."

She chuckled through the other end. "I don't think so... I was getting kinda bored anyway."

I smiled a little. "Same..."

"So, what're you up to today?" She asked.

"Just got back from lunch with my friend. How about you?"

"Deciding on an outfit for tonight. I want it to be slutty, but not to slutty. If that makes sense."

We shared a laugh. "Hey, whatever gets you the most tips."

She was quiet for a second. "Definitely the pink thong."

We laughed again. "Hey, speaking of outfits, how fancy should I dress for tomorrow night?" She asked.

Honestly, I hadn't given it much thought. Where was I going to take her? I didn't want to go to fancy. I wouldn't be getting another unemployment check for at least a week.

"Not to fancy. But nice." I replied.

"Sounds good." She said.

We talked late into the night until she eventually had to head to work. I declined to visit her tonight, claiming she had taken all my money the night prior. We laughed at the statement before setting a time for tomorrow and inevitably, saying our goodbyes...

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